Honey is a sweet liquid made by honeybees by collecting nectar from flowers. Honey is also a popular staple that is used worldwide for different uses. Honey is loaded with a lot of benefits that make honey a part of all household remedies. Apart from the sweetness honey is also enriched with healing properties that make it widely preferred by many.
It is not easy to spot a household without a bottle of honey due to its multiple uses.
You can buy raw honey online or in a nearby store. For better results avoid commercialized honey brands as they are chances they are processed and this tends to reduce the natural properties of honey
As mentioned before, honey is universally used for multiple purposes, and here are 10 facts about honey that can help you incorporate honey into your daily life.
Read as follows:
A bottle of honey has multiple benefits making it a go-to staple for a lot of ailments. It is also important to know that honey should be used in moderation to avoid any possible side effects. Always ensure you buy raw honey over the adulterated bottles.
10 Healthy Facts About Honey
Contains Natural Hydrogen Peroxide
Raw honey contains hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is used for treating wounds and fungal infections. This means raw honey can kill unwanted bacteria and fungus.
Rich in Phytonutrients
Phytonutrients are the compounds that protect the plant by keeping insects aways and from Ultraviolet radiation. The phytonutrient properties in honey show immune-boosting and anti-cancer benefits.
Alternate to Sugar
Raw honey can be used as an alternative to the processed sugar as they cause less harm than processed white sugar. Make sure you use unadulterated honey. One way to ensure this is to buy raw honey.
Soothes Sore Throat
Honey is the go-to home remedy for cough and sore throat. Research says that raw honey is as effective as dextromethorphan- an ingredient present in over-the-counter cough medicine.
Rich Source of Phenols
As honey is a rich source of phenols and antioxidants, they are linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. Honey helps the heart dilate and increases blood flow to the heart preventing it from blood clot formation that leads to stroke and heart attacks.
Excellent for Skin Care
Honey is an effective skincare ingredient as it is considered a natural bleach. Applying a spoon of honey on your face reduces blemishes, dark spots, and scars on your face.
Has Healing Properties
Honey can also be used to soothe irritated skin or a bruise. The healing properties of honey reduce inflammation and help the skin heal. Make sure you buy raw honey online from a trusted source to ensure the quality of the honey.
Helps in Lowering Blood Pressure
Blood pressure also known as BP is risky for heart disease, and the antioxidant compounds present in the raw honey helps to lower the blood pressure.
Helps in Building Immunity
Honey is proven to build immunity against a lot of ailments. Drink lukewarm water adding tablespoons of honey to keep your body protected from common cold and infections.
Kills Internal Parasites
There are a lot of parasites that invade the human body and cause illness. A mixture of honey, water, and vinegar can help in killing parasites and cleansing the body.
A bottle of honey has multiple benefits making it a go-to staple for a lot of ailments. It is also important to know that honey should be used in moderation to avoid any possible side effects. Always ensure you buy raw honey over the adulterated bottles.
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