Most people have, at some point, experienced an upset stomach and indigestion. Common symptoms include bloating, heartburn, hiccupping, gas, and nausea. Although these symptoms often go away on their own, there are things you can do to relieve them sooner, especially if it occurs often. Most of them are home remedies.
1. Quick Remedies to Relieve Stomach Discomfort
There are many remedies that relieve discomfort quickly. These include:
- Ginger
- Mint
- Warm bath
- Mixture of water, lemon juice, vape juice, and baking soda
- Aloe Juice
- Spearmint, ginger, mint, chamomile, peppermint, or licorice tea
If indigestion occurs infrequently, these quick solutions should bring relief within 20 to 30 minutes.
2. Try Polisorb Digestive Tract Cleanse
For some people, stomach issues are more chronic. For these situations, a thorough cleaning of the digestive tract may be in order, and a cleanse is often effective. Polisorb is an enterosorbent, and when looking up the enterosorbent meaning, you will see it means that these molecules bind to the substances that are disrupting the balance in your gut. Unlike some other cleanses, this leaves the good bacteria alone.
3. Change Your Diet
One strategy that is more long term is to change your diet. Individuals who struggle with diarrhea may find relief from eating starchy foods such as toast, bananas, applesauce, and rice. These not only bind food together, but they also soothe tissue irritation.
People with constipation may want to try figs or dates, which act as laxatives. They should be avoided by those who have diarrhea, however.
4. Do an Herbal Cleanse
Some people find that an herbal cleanse detox helps with indigestion. This helps flush out toxins while replenishing essential minerals and vitamins. The herbs lend additional benefits to the body, as well, such as immune support, improved metabolism, and skin health.
5. Avoid Certain Foods
There are certain foods that are more difficult to digest and should be avoided. These include fried, fatty, and creamy foods, as well as food made with preservatives.
6. Make Lifestyle Changes
There are certain things that can aggravate digestive symptoms. Alcohol is hard to digest and is a toxin, so it irritates the stomach. Smoking irritates the throat and can increase an upset stomach. Avoiding these can help in the long run.
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has numerous benefits, and easing digestion is one of them. This vinegar boosts the production of stomach acid, which helps to break down food. It is best to dilute it with water, as it can cause side effects if undiluted.
8. Eat an Earlier Dinner
Eating too close to bedtime increases the chances of bloating and indigestion. Laying down soon after dinner can also result in acid reflux.
9. Slow Down While Eating
Eating quickly causes you to take in air, which leads to bloating. When you take the time to chew food, it mixes more with saliva, which contains digestive enzymes.
10. Medication
If home remedies, diet changes, and lifestyle changes do not take care of your digestive symptoms, there may be prescribed medication that helps. However, all medication comes with side effects and should not be a long-term solution. Using detoxify polisorb and other natural remedies are usually better methods.