Every night you tell yourself you’ll beat your insomnia by going to bed early, pulling the blinds closed and willing your body to sleep. And every night, you still toss and turn for hours before dropping off in the early morning hours. You’re not alone in this struggle. Too many adults have a hard time falling asleep. With our busy schedules, finding a home remedy for short-term insomnia is easier than making an appointment to see the doctor.
Here are five home remedies for insomnia:los angeles drug rehab centers.
Yoga is an exercise that has the dual effect of draining the mind from stress while working on the body. Ideally, it manages two possible causes of insomnia – anxiety and inactivity. A quick 15-minute yoga session before bedtime can put your body in a lethargic state that is conducive to sleeping well. To help you calm down and focus during your yoga session, consider using the best mindfulness apps.
Studies have also shown that yoga has a significant effect on sleep quality. The research focused on women in peri and post-menopausal states and concluded that women who practised yoga got better sleep.
Practise yoga poses that help you control your breath and focus.
Melatonin Supplements
Melatonin supplements help build a higher amount of melatonin in the body for better sleep. Studies show that people with insomnia experience better restorative sleep after using melatonin supplements.
Start with the lowest dose of these supplements, which could be between 1 to 5mg. Take it about 30 minutes before your bedtime. Stop use if you experience any of the following side effects:
- Headaches;
- Depression;
- Stomach Cramps;
- Headaches;
- Awaken in the middle of the night.
Note that melatonin supplements and pills are only for short-term use. If you don’t see any improvement in a few weeks, stop using it and see a doctor.
Magnesium Supplements
Magnesium is another supplement used to treat insomnia at home. It is a natural element known for its relaxing and stress-relieving properties. Many people claim that magnesium improves their sleep, and a study done in 2012 recorded an improvement in sleep for people with insomnia.
The dosage for magnesium supplements is 300mg for women and 400mg for men per day. You can start with a smaller dose when you begin to avoid the side effects of magnesium. Also, confirm that magnesium supplements are safe for you if you’re already on any medication.
Don’t like supplements? Some people use magnesium as a bath salt before bed or add it to their food.
Calming Essential Oils
Essential oils that promote sleep and restfulness, like chamomile and lavender, can alleviate insomnia symptoms. Lavender improves mood, promotes sleep and reduces pain, while chamomile encourages relaxation.
Lavender oil can be ingested, used in a diffuser, sprayed on a pillow, drank as tea, or used as a patch. Chamomile is safer ingested as tea before bed. If you experience nausea, constipation, or headaches, stop usage.
Fall Asleep Apps
Fall asleep apps help users fall asleep easily using the science behind psychoacoustics. Free sleep apps for iPhone and Android offer white noise, calming music, and other sounds that induce sleep. Many users claim these apps have treated their insomnia.
While these home remedies work and can help you manage insomnia, they are not substitutes for medical diagnosis and treatment. So, if you don’t notice an improvement in your condition in two weeks, please see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and an effective treatment plan.