5 Virtual Event Ideas for Small & Big Businesses

Given the current legislative climate, with all the worldwide lockdowns and so forth, it’s no wonder that many companies are trying to compensate for the lack of physical presence with a much bigger and better online proximity.

And, as you’ve probably guessed from this article’s title, one of the best ways to do so is to host virtual online events. With that said, there are tons of neat ideas that you can try out for your company regardless of its size or capabilities. Note that we will only be showing you ideas. If you want to learn how to organize, read these virtual event tips.

1.  Q&A/AMA Sessions

If your company has some well-known employees throughout your target community, then Questions & Answers or Ask Me Anything sessions should be right up your alley. There are many notable figures who have taken part in Reddit Q&As, for example, including the former American president Barack Obama.

Don’t worry, even if your company isn’t nearly as famous as such a notable figure, you can still have tons of success with such an event as long as you create properly targeted ads.

2.  Virtual Conference With Real Goods

Just like with any real-life keynote event, the same principles apply when creating it in the virtual space. However, if you want to entice your audience to buy tickets to your conference, we would like to suggest you offer them physical prizes.

It can be something as simple as a keychain, or something more personal like a golden attendance diploma. But oftentimes, a t-shirt and some pens will be more than sufficient to entice people to buy Earlybird tickets.

3.  Online Treasure Hunts

Just because people are stuck at home doesn’t mean they can’t participate in treasure hunts. After all, a treasure hunt doesn’t need to involve traveling thousands of miles. You can give participants hints to search your own website for clues, or tell them to Google some interesting stuff and see if they find what you were just talking about.

Or, if you want to earn even more money from your sponsors, you can set the treasure hunt riddles around their brands, so that your participants will be even more enticed to check their websites and purchase their products.

4.  Virtual Gaming Sessions

Gamers are already used to spending their evenings alone at home yet connected to all their friends through Discord and other similar platforms. If your target audience also includes these people, then a very safe bet is to organize a gaming night with the company’s employees and loyal customers alike.

However, you don’t need to limit yourself just to them. You can make an open invitation to any gamer out there, lay out the rules and prizes, and then let the gaming session start. Even the participants who end up winning nothing will still have tons of fun and possibly even make new friends thanks to this type of event. And, of course, they’ll respect your company even more for giving them such a memorable experience.

5.  Interactive Improv Show

Stand-up comedy and improvisation shows are best experienced live, there’s no doubt about that. However, streaming platforms allow you to create polls or give users the ability to write in the chatbox so that the host can view what people want to see on the stage.

From that feedback, the comedian can then adapt as if they were hosting a show with an actual audience, and thus offer the crowd the exact same entertainment value they would otherwise get from their favorite comedy club.

What Other Suggestions Do You Have?

These were our personalized suggestions for small and big businesses alike. However, we would like to hear if you’ve got any other great ideas that companies can try to engage with their userbase. So, feel free to leave us a comment down below and start a civil discussion with the rest of our community.

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