Are You an Ideal Candidate for IVF?

In vitro fertilization was introduced into the medical world almost four decades ago. Since then, it has been responsible for over 8 million pregnancies globally. But, IVF is not ideal for every couple looking to have a baby. Determining if it is the best course of treatment for you and your partner usually involves extensive fertility testing, semen analysis, bloodwork, and a medical history review. The best person to perform these tests is an IVF specialist like Dr. Kevin Doody Bedford, who can tell you whether IVF will work for your situation. You may be eligible under the following circumstances.

1.     Endometriosis

Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue grows in parts of the reproductive system other than the uterus. This tissue can develop around the fallopian tubes and ovaries, blocking the passageway for the ovum and sperm. In turn, this can make conceiving difficult. In this case, IVF can be a suitable treatment since it delivers a fertilized egg straight to the uterus.

2.     Blocked Tubes

Like with endometriosis, past pelvic surgeries and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can cause scarring in the fallopian tubes. This can cause blockage and prevent ova from traveling to the uterus. Again, IVF can help in this situation by bypassing the fallopian tubes and depositing the embryo in the uterus.

3.     Male Factor Infertility

A couple may qualify for IVF when the male partner has male-factor infertility. This includes conditions like low sperm count, vas deferens blockage or absence, irregular sperm shape or movement, and a lack of sperm caused by radiation treatment. Through intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), your provider can find and inject one healthy sperm directly into the ovum for fertilization.

4.     Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common causes of infertility in women. The condition is characterized by multiple hormonal imbalances that prevent your ovary from releasing an egg during ovulation. This, alongside abnormal cycles, can make getting pregnant difficult. IVF can circumvent this through fertility drugs that induce your cycle, allowing you to release healthy eggs.

5.     Low Ovarian Reserve

Low ovarian reserve refers to a decrease in the quality and quantity of eggs in a woman. As you age, your ovarian reserve may decline, making it more difficult for you to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term. Conditions like ovarian endometriosis can also cause inflammation and reduce the quantity and quality of your eggs. IVF solves this problem by allowing your provider to pick and fertilize your healthiest eggs, which are identified through preimplantation genetic testing. Alternatively, you can choose to conceive through a donor egg.

6.     Unexplained Infertility

If a couple’s infertility is best described as “unexplained,” they might be good candidates for IVF. Unexplained infertility refers to a situation where a fertility problem has been diagnosed, but a couple is still unable to conceive naturally, even with the help of intrauterine insemination (IUI) and fertility medications.

Welcoming a baby into your family is an incredibly exciting milestone. Sometimes, however, some infertility-causing factors can make it difficult for you to conceive naturally. This is where IVF comes in handy. Dr. Doody and his wife, a fertility specialist, developed effortless IVF® to help patients in and around Texas conceive through IVF. You can learn more about this procedure and whether or not it is right for you by setting up a consultation with them today.

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.