Human hair wigs are the best solution for everyone because they doesn’t cover your scalp, they also provide you protection from pollution or hair problems by covering them. When women visit our wig boutique, one of the first questions we ask them is: “Do you want human hair or synthetic fiber?” For people who highlight wig/ginger wig for the first time, the answer is usually: “I don’t Know-what is the difference?” Knowing the difference between these two wigs will help you make the right decision. Things to consider-man-made fiber and synthetic fiber wigs have different grades or qualities. For comparison, we will discuss the difference between high-quality synthetic fibers and Class A human hair. The following is their comparison:

You might think that human hair wigs look more natural than synthetic wigs, but they are not essentially the case. Most people can’t tell the difference between humans and synthetics just by observation. In general, synthetic fibers look brighter or more shiny than human hair. Higher quality synthetic ginger wig are not as shiny as cheap synthetic wigs and look more natural. The new difference in appearance is related to sports. Compared with synthetic fibers, human hair has a more natural procedure and elasticity-the latter tends to be stiffer. If you have short hair or use hairspray, this is usually not a problem. If your hair is long and loose, you may want human hair to move more naturally.
Compared with synthetic fibers, human hair has a softer and smoother texture. The particular texture of hair depends on its origin-Asian hair is thicker, straighter, and coarser. Indian hair is silky and wavy. European hair is thinner, softer, and wavy is very insignificant. The hair may also be permed to reform the appearance of subunit hair. Synthetic hair is not as soft and silky as human hair. The better the superiority of the hair, the softer it will be. The texture of the hair is set in the factory and can range from straight to wavy to curly.
Both artificial and synthetic wigs can be washed. Synthetic hair can only be washed in cold water, using products specifically designed for synthetic fibers, and then allowed to air dry. The wig will maintain its style. Human hair can be washed with warm or cold water, and you can use any product that can be practiced on your own hair. We recommend using mild shampoo and moisturizing conditioner. Products designed specifically for dyed hair work well. Washing the wig will make it lose its style and restore its natural pattern. To reshape, you need to blow dry or use heating tools to shape. Lifespan Many characteristics will determine how long your wig can last-how long your hair is, how often you wear it, under what conditions and how to care for it. Synthetic hair is prone to frictional frizz when rubbed with something.
Human hair can be permed with chemical solutions, just like your hair. Synthetic materials should not be treated with chemicals, but a wig stylist can use a wig steamer to permanently add or not involve curls and waves. is a place to get the latest online websites, such as arts and culture, fashion, movies, entertainment, technology, travel and fitness, and health news.