Everything You Should Know About Post-Blepharoplasty Repair

Most individuals who undergo blepharoplasty, often known as eyelid surgery, do it for medical or aesthetic purposes. Blepharoplasty surgery can remove sagging skin and extra fat from the area around the eyes, which can age the face generally and potentially impair the eyelids’ ability to function properly. However, if you are unsatisfied with your eyelid surgery results, you may undergo Scarsdale post-blepharoplasty repair to correct your dropping eyes or improve your vision.

Post-blepharoplasty repair is a minimally invasive surgery that corrects sagging eyelids after undergoing prior eyelid surgery.

Reasons for post-blepharoplasty repair?

Some patients feel the doctor’s efforts to treat their sagging upper eyelids or eye bags didn’t go far enough. Patients might undergo a second procedure to minimize the eye bags and further droop in that situation.

In exceedingly rare circumstances, an issue that requires post-blepharoplasty repair to fix may arise after an initial blepharoplasty treatment. These complications include tissue that impairs peripheral vision and asymmetrical eyelids.

Do I qualify for post-blepharoplasty repair?

Post-blepharoplasty repair is a very personal and significant decision. A careful and systematic approach is necessary while undergoing a second surgery. Consequently, it is essential to speak with a skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon whose main area of expertise is the eyes.

Post-blepharoplasty repair is a common procedure that people who are dissatisfied with the outcomes of eyelid surgery want. Post-blepharoplasty repair is sometimes requested by patients who are worried about postoperative scarring or want to address aging symptoms that have returned shortly after a previous procedure.

Good surgical candidates should all have good overall health and refrain from bad habits like smoking. The doctor will examine your eyelids, go through your desired result, and check your medical records to see if you are suitable for post-blepharoplasty repair. Also,  you must have realistic expectations to qualify for post-blepharoplasty repair.

How should I prepare for blepharoplasty repair?

Follow all pre-procedure recommendations to ensure a successful post-blepharoplasty repair. Stop taking some medications if your doctor advises you to, make arrangements for someone to take you home after surgery, and refrain from eating or drinking anything the morning of your anticipated treatment.

What takes place throughout the process?

When you visit your doctor for post-blepharoplasty repair, you either receive general anesthesia to put you to sleep or a local anesthetic with a sedative. You will feel no pain.

You are sent to a recovery area to relax after the doctor makes tiny incisions within your eyelids, removes or repairs tissue, and then seals the incisions. Your procedure might take one to two hours.

What happens during recovery?

Follow your doctor’s post-procedure recommendations after blepharoplasty repair. Transport your meds as prescribed, get lots of rest, have a driver take you home, and refrain from strenuous exercise until the doctor gives you the all-clear.

You could take a few days off work or a week off. Expect some discomfort or irritability, dry eyes, edema, or bruising throughout the healing process. Wear sunglasses while waiting for your eyelids to recover, and use cold packs or ointments as necessary. After around a week,  your doctor can remove your sutures.

If you are dissatisfied with your previous eyelid surgery results, consider post-blepharoplasty correction. Call Robert M. Schwarcz, MD, to book your appointment for post-blepharoplasty correction.

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.