How to Choose the Right Short Code for Your SMS Campaign

Few smartphone users are going to want to remember a long number, so short codes are a great way to increase engagement with potential leads. Picking out the right number can be tough, so it’s important to give it a little thought before you decide on one. You’ll want to start by considering whether or not you need a vanity number.

Random SMS Code Assignment

Any organization that signs up for a short code and doesn’t specify what they want will have one assigned to them. Telephone company wire centers pick out simple message service code numbers using a sequential formula that takes into account all of the numbers that were assigned previously. Owing to the complexity of this calculation, an organization that opts for a code assigned in this way will essentially get one given to them at random. This is less expensive than picking out a vanity one, so it’s the choice that most firms go with.

Marketing departments will sometimes insist on a code that’s either easier to remember or means something. Though there is an upcharge associated with vanity SMS codes, it might be worth it if you’re trying to tie your number into a bigger campaign. Chances are that you’ve noticed the letter mappings given to each number on a phone keypad. These predate the modern era and can be found on rotary dials just as easily as they can on a modern smartphone. In spite of their age, it might make sense to pick out a special number that spells a word related to your business. When a customer goes to send a short code SMS message to your organization, they’ll be able to remember it based on spelling alone.

Using Number Assignment Technology to Your Advantage

There’s no reason you can’t start with a random code to reduce the initial upfront cost of a marketing campaign and then switch to a longer vanity code later on. This might be an excellent choice for those who are unsure about how much their customers will want to engage with a certain campaign. Though an overwhelming majority of companies and non-profits have enjoyed high volumes of incoming text messages as soon as they switched to a short code, it can take some time before all relevant marketing materials are dialed into the new paradigms offered by the use of these codes.

One of the major decisions related to picking out short codes has already been made for you. At one point, business owners would have been allowed to share a single code with multiple other organizations. Switches in their wireless carrier’s central office would ensure that the messages all went to the right place. This kind of assignment has been done away with because of the possibility for fraud. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about making any decisions regarding the type of service you opt for. Marketing specialists will want to decide how many codes they elect to invest in, however.

Picking Out More than One Code for a Campaign

Small business owners might only ever need one code, especially if they only provide service in a relatively tiny physical area. National firms and those that do most of their business online may want to use separate numbers to target different geographical areas. When someone texts a certain number, you’ll know right away what part of the state or country they saw it in.

Technology firms have done something similar by segmenting their efforts with different codes. Each publication they advertise in gets a different number. When a prospective sales lead sends a text to one of these numbers, they’ll know which of their efforts are actually reaching readers. Any number that doesn’t get any traction might be tied to a marketing campaign that needs to be reevaluated to make sure that it’s visible to those who would be most likely to engage with their brand.

Picking out a number might seem difficult, but it’s easy once you get down to it. Once you have one to send and receive texts with, you’ll be in a great position to engage with your clients at a faster pace than ever before.

Author – Grace

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.