How to Setup the Perfect Space for Studying

If you wish to improve your study time, clean and organized study space is something to keep an eye on. This is relatable because a cluttered or disorganized study area may only turn to be a distraction, implying that you may not be able to concentrate or even grasp the very basic concepts.

Ideally, you cannot concentrate or get the best from your academic life if you’re uncomfortable. As a general rule, your study space should foster productivity and be designed to minimize distractions.

What is a Good Study Space?

If you’re setting up a study space for the first time on your own, being able to make it to perfection may sound daunting. Bearing this in mind, you could already be questioning yourself; “what makes a good study space?”

If this has been your concern, a simple answer is; a good study space is free from distractions and quiet. It should also have all your study resources easily accessible. A simple trick I had used to my advantage when I didn’t have a study space was to find someone who could do my assignment for me.

You may also want to try that if you are pressed for time. Here’s a roundup of six tips you can utilize in setting up a good space for studying.

·  Choose One Place and get used to it

It is human nature to get used to an environment after spending some time in that area. With this in mind, if for example, you select a space in your room, with time, your brain will get used to it.

Ideally, whenever you set foot in the location, you will automatically switch to study mode. This is particularly beneficial for tests, especially when pressed for time.

It may not really be a good idea to hop from one coffee shop or library to another, as this may turn out to be mentally draining. If you’re going to study away from home, your preferred location shouldn’t be far away from home. It should be close and somewhere you like or enjoy being.

·  Setting the Scene

It’s knowledgeable that there isn’t a single study space that would work best for everybody. For instance, if you are an alone studier, you will need an isolated space which could be a spot in your bedroom or just an out-of-the-way space in the house.

This way, you will have all the ‘lone-time you need for you to concentrate when studying. If you study best in busier areas or with some music playing in the background, you can create your study space in the family room or just in the kitchen.

·  The Ergonomics

You do not want a study setting that will increase your risks of back injuries or any form of discomfort. With this in mind, a good approach to setting up your studying space would be to -ensure that the work surface is just about your waist height.

The workspace should be designed in such a way that if you sit down, you can comfortably rest your shoulders on the work surface or rather the table without being forced to hunch up your shoulders. For your seat, it should give you a comfortable height that allows you to put your feet on the floor.

It doesn’t really matter whether you will not need to sit this way throughout. If, for instance, your chair is higher, thus leaving your feet hanging, a simpler hack you can try for this is having a shoebox or a pillow right under your fret to make reaching the floor easier.

It would help if you roll up a blanket behind your back to prevent your back from getting sore. Finally, if you will be using a computer for researching on any site or any study needs, be sure to enable anti-glare on your screen and position your monitor approximately 18 to 30″ away from you.

·  Lighting

The lighting you choose for your study room will have a significant impact on your concentration and productivity generally. Studies actually suggest that brightly lit environments would improve your chances of scoring high grades.

The simplest explanation behind this is that poor lighting may reduce your brain’s effectiveness when it comes to gathering data; therefore, you need good lighting to maintain your focus when studying. Most libraries have this taken care of, but you may still want somewhere close to a window.

In a school setting or at home, you may also enjoy studying under the shades of trees in the school or your backyard. If you’ll be studying at home in a study room, you may want to combine a desk or reading lamp with overhead lighting to reduce the chances of squinting at your books. If you still can’t find a perfect spot for writing your essays, you may want to look for a writer to give a helping hand.

Final Word

The aim of setting a perfect space for your studies is to maximize the time you have to increase productivity. You may want to try a few options in the beginning and settle with a specific one you find to be able to increase your productivity with ease.

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