Technology, today, has become an inseparable part of our lives. Our dependence on it continues to rise with every passing day. Similarly, children, too, are inevitably exposed to it. Much of this is due to the pandemic.
It has become necessary for children to use technology because of remote learning. Parents who have difficulty keeping children occupied have taken the help of technology. Hence, children’s dependence on technology for studying and entertainment has had exponential growth. In the US, kids aged between 8 and 12 years spend 4 to 6 hours a day using technology. Is this healthy?
There has been a long going debate on whether to expose kids to technology early. Let us have a better insight into the pros and cons of doing this before Deciding for ourselves. We will begin by addressing the negatives that overshadow the positives in our perception.
In olden times with no technology, children had no choice but to go outside and play when bored. However, exposing kids to technology gives them an incentive to stay on the couch all day playing games. Because of this, there has been a decrease in their physical activity and exercise. Moreover, children develop a habit of mindless eating while distracted by technology. If junk food is available, they can snack on it for hours while playing an online video game. All of this leads to obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle.
Eyesight problems
Vision problems are one of the most evident negative effects of technology on children today. Looking at screens for a prolonged period can lead to eye fatigue, also known as asthenopia. Children who suffer from asthenopia may complain about headaches and eye pain. Kids tend to blink less when using technology which leads to dry eyes. A tear layer is essential for clear vision, so children may have to deal with irritated eyes if exposed to technology for a long period.
Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a condition every other child has in today’s times. Technology is one of the most evident reasons for the increasing number of children suffering from this condition. During the initial years of a child’s life, natural daylight is important for their eyes. UV light leads to healthy eye development. But technology encourages children to stay indoors, focused on a screen for hours. The result is nearsightedness at a very young age.
Difficulty in social interactions
If children are accustomed to watching videos at home, they might find it difficult to form in-person relationships in the future. Interacting with people in social scenarios teaches children important people skills. However, more screen time means lesser interactive experiences with others. Making friends also becomes easier when done online rather than in person. Introducing technology at a young age might become a barrier to your child learning how to communicate and interact with people in a social setting effectively. They might have difficulty being empathetic and regulating their emotions.
Anxiety and loneliness
It is difficult even for adults to understand that the internet does not always show a true picture of people’s lives, let alone children. Social media once used to connect people to friends and family, has now become a place that can elicit feelings of envy and depression in children. A false reality puts unnecessary pressure on innocent children to be a certain way or have a certain object to be happy. Unhealthy comparisons can lead to anxiety and other negative emotions. In addition to this, children prefer to use technology instead of connecting with people. In some severe cases, it might lead to loneliness and isolation.
Need for supervision
Parents must keep a strict check on their Internet Safety for Kids activities online. They are open to all types of content on the internet. Some of this may be damaging to a child’s emotional wellbeing. Not just that, your child might also give away too much information online. This makes it easy for someone to steal your child’s identity and use it to open up credit card accounts or fraud. It is very easy and common for children to be unaware of viruses present on the internet. Your child might damage your technological devices if they encounter links or web pages. All these problems require strict supervision at all times. Some parents might find it difficult to make time for this, leaving their children alone with the possibility of any of these instances taking place.
With all these adverse impacts of technology at a young age, there exist pros that encourage us to make our children tech-savvy. Let’s discuss a few of these.
Access to information and people
We have all witnessed a major shift in education due to the pandemic. Students have become highly dependent on technology for their studies. The internet is loaded with information that students can use for projects and assignments. Technology has also made it easier for children to contact their friends when they need help with something. Places like YouTube have many videos that explain concepts taught at school. This reduces the children’s stress and leads to a better understanding. Technology can help make your child’s life easier regarding education.
Instills tolerance
There is no surprise that technology connects people from all over the globe. When children use technology at a young age, they are exposed to all cultures and lifestyles. Technology makes it possible for them to watch videos and learn about festivals and practices of all cultures. Such an upbringing makes them tolerant individuals of society. They do not discriminate against people because of their beliefs and cultures. Such aware individuals are a great asset to the world.
Prepares them for the future
The future is infiltrated by technology. This hyper-competitive world where everybody is technologically aware requires children to be trained for this too. Early exposure to technology will make them well-versed with technological devices and tools. Moreover, technology can be used in a way that sharpens young children’s brains. They can read e-books to improve vocabulary and encourage intuitive thinking.
Conclusively, it is safe to say that technology is also like everything is best in moderation. The positives of exposing technology early cannot be ignored over the negatives. A fast-paced world requires quick operations, and children must be prepared for using technology. However, this must be done under complete supervision, and most of the screen time includes productive recreational activities instead of just violent videos games.