Smoke Detectors: How To Opt The Perfect One For You

Do you know that uncomfortable feeling when you are not sure whether you have left the stove on – and fear that when you return the fire brigade will already be in front of the house? With the smart home smoke detector, this fear is a thing of the past, because the devices are integrated into your home network, which can, for example, send warnings to the smartphone.

A little carelessness and a small inconspicuous spark develop into a life-threatening fire. Even if the risk is significantly lower than in previous decades, early warning systems such as smoke alarms can still save lives.

A smoke detector is a device that detects smoke in the event of a fire and triggers an alarm. Band detectors are used in public facilities as well as in private households. Since smoke alarms are now mandatory in some areas, this purchase advice should help you find the right device.

What types of smart home smoke detectors are there?

Smoke alarms can generally be classified into different categories. A basic distinction is made between photoelectric smoke detectors, thermoelectric smoke detectors, and ionization smoke detectors according to their warning systems.

Whether an isolated solution or a complete system makes sense for you depends primarily on whether you want to use other devices in the smart home in addition to the smart home smoke detector. In any case, there are modern, stylish devices today, so that the smart home smoke detector visually fits into your apartment.

How do you find the best smart home smoke alarm?

The basic function of a smart home smoke detector does not differ from ordinary smoke alarms – this is also shown by some smart home smoke detector tests.

As soon as the fire alarm detects smoke in the air, it emits an acoustic signal to warn those present.

These basic functions are a must

Smoke detectors in smart homes also work without being combined with other devices. Even if the device is not integrated into the smart home system, it should sound the alarm in an emergency. Your disadvantage then: No communication with other devices in the system and no remote control.

A smart home smoke detector must take on or be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Inform you about changes in the system via the app, email, or message
  • Communicate with other devices on the network
  • Assign smoke to the rooms
  • Encrypted transmission of data

WLAN, radio or wired?

Smart home smoke detectors are integrated into a smart home system. Depending on how you program your smoke detector and combine it with other devices, you can react directly to smoke development in the house.

Wired devices also work within the framework of the smart home system if radio or WLAN transmission is restricted. On the other hand, the systems usually have to be concealed or retrofitted in the construction phase. You can retrofit two-way radios or devices that work via WLAN in your home at a later date. Most of the time you simply have to screw on the smart smoke alarm. The monitoring usually takes place via an app or a web interface. However, if the internet connection or radio contact is disturbed, the smart home smoke detector no longer works as part of the system, but just like a normal smoke detector.

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