Social media can be a powerful tool for your business, but it’s not always easy to know where to start. If you’re having trouble with social media, or just want to improve your strategy, follow these simple steps:
Create Your Social Media Strategy
You must have a clear and concise strategy in place before you begin your social media campaign. The first step is to define your goals, which should include:
- What you want to achieve with your social media campaign (for example, increasing brand awareness or customer engagement)
- Who you want to reach out to
- How often you will post on each channel
When creating a strategy, it’s important not only to know what you want but also who your audience is. This can be tricky because there are so many different ways of defining an audience. If the website for a company sells products for children between the ages of 3 and 12 years old, then “children 3-12 years old” would be one way of defining them. Another way might be “parents of children under 13 who live in Canada and have disposable income above $30k per year.” It all depends on what kind of information works best for reaching out to those consumers—if any at all!
Share Relevant And Interesting Content
If you’re like me, and most people I know, you probably have too many options for content to choose from.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all of this content. I’ve seen some people who share only one thing on social media per day! That’s crazy talk–you can’t expect your followers to remember what you shared last week or even last month if they see it so infrequently.
Instead of sharing one post every few days, try sharing multiple posts each day–at least two or three times per day is ideal; more than that can be overwhelming for followers. But don’t go overboard with posting just because it feels like the right thing to do: consider how much time and effort goes into creating quality content before posting anything at all! Not sure what kind of content would work? We’ll cover that next…
Keep Consistent
Consistency is key when it comes to your brand and social media presence. Your readers should be able to recognize you across all platforms, including your blog, website and social media pages.
- For example: If your blog posts have a certain color scheme or typeface, you can use those same design elements across all of your platforms to create a consistent look that makes it easy for readers to recognize you.
Find The Right Social Media Platform For You
The first thing you need to do is choose the right social media company platform for your business and audience.
When deciding which platform will work best for you, consider these factors:
- Who are your customers? For example, if they’re relatively young or tech-savvy, then Instagram and Snapchat may be better suited than Facebook or LinkedIn. Likewise, if they’re older and more traditional generations (baby boomers), then Facebook could be a better option than Twitter or Snapchat.
- How much time can you devote to managing each account every day? You’ll want to pick a social media platform that fits into your schedule without taking up too much time (and money). If it’s going to take hours of work every week just to keep up with posting new content on all of the platforms that interest you, then it might not be worth your time after all.
Engage With Your Audience
Engaging with your audience is important, as it increases loyalty and allows you to build relationships. When someone comes to a page or follows you on social media, they’re saying that they want to hear from you. They want to know what your company stands for and how it can help them in some way. So don’t ignore them!
When someone comments or asks a question on Facebook, answer it—it doesn’t have to be perfect the first time around. Make sure that your responses are clear and consistent across multiple platforms if possible so people know what kind of experience they can expect when interacting with your brand online
Respond To Comments And Questions Quickly
You can’t just sit on the sidelines and hope that people will come to your social media accounts. You have to be proactive and engage with your audience, whether it’s through comments on a post or direct messages, or even by asking questions of them.
One way to do this is by responding quickly when you get a comment or question from someone on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so forth. Responding quickly shows that you care about your customers and are willing to take time out of your day to help them out—and can help you resolve issues before they become big problems! In addition, it helps build trust with your audience so that they know that if there are any problems in the future (or now), then they know who they can go back over again just as easily.
Use Video
Video is a great way to engage your audience. It allows for greater interaction, as well as allowing them to see your company in action. You can use video to promote a product or service by showing how it works, or by demonstrating its features and benefits. You can also use video to show how to use the product or service, which will help your customers figure things out on their own. Finally, you could show behind-the-scenes footage of what it’s like working at your company if you want people to get a sense of who you are and why they should trust you with their business.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Social media has many more features to explore, but these basics will get you started on a solid foundation. If you don’t have a social media strategy in place yet or if you feel like your current one needs some work, take these tips into consideration when creating or updating your own plan. Good luck!