Top Uses for a Tapping Calculator

Improve the performance of your tapping drill with a tapping calculator. Whether you’re starting a new process or reviewing the specifications of your existing tapping line, you can learn more about the performance and efficiency of your drill with a few key calculations. Explore the top uses for a tap calculator today.

Determine the Tapping Torque

Calculate the tapping torque of your drill to troubleshoot your tapping application. Simply enter the tap size and material multiplier to find a calculator based on theoretical values. These calculations should be used as an estimate to plan the performance of your tap, but it can be a helpful way to predict the necessary torque.

For example, if you use a 6 – 32 UNC tap drill to create a hole in titanium, you’ll need approximately 9.9 in-lb tapping torque. The same tap drill cutting through aluminum only requires about 1.67 in-lb tapping torque. Both the size of the drill and the workpiece material affect the performance, so you need to run a calculation every time you re-tool your machine or line up a different workpiece.

Select a Tap Size

The size of your tap affects the amount of torque necessary and the most efficient speed of the process. You can use the calculator to estimate the necessary torque and machining speed, or you could work the other way and determine the optimal tap size based on a preferred machining speed or level of torque.

Identify Required Horsepower

Working with solid carbide end mills or other high-speed equipment requires a critical understanding of the optimal horsepower. If you attempt to mill, tap or otherwise machine a workpiece without sufficient horsepower, you could unnecessarily wear down your cutting edge.

Using too much horsepower can also be an issue. Increasing the machining speed can cause excessive friction and heat. This can damage both the workpiece and the tooling.

It may not be immediately obvious that the speed of your drilling is what’s causing the excess heat or damaged tooling. There are a number of factors at work, so it’s best to use a quick calculator to troubleshoot your tapping application.

Reduce Tapping Difficulties

A tapping calculator gives you a better sense of a way to overcome common tapping difficulties. Conventional machine tapping requires careful alignment and calculations. Improper tapping may not be immediately recognizable, but it will reduce the efficiency of our machine.

Use a calculator to avoid tapping difficulties, like damaged tooling, cracked collets, poor threading and improper workpiece results. Some flexible tool holders may help you improve the alignment of your tooling, and adding cutting fluid and other lubricant can also help you avoid excessive tool wear, but calculating the torque and horsepower of your machining process can is also a critical part of the planning process.

Use a Tapping Calculator To Improve Your Machining Process

From a ceramic end mill to a custom tapping machine, calculate the torque and horsepower of your process quickly and conveniently. Use an online calculator by Kennametal before determining the best tooling for your next application.

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.