A cyber attack is an assault launched by a group of hackers who maliciously disable computer systems. They use a variety of techniques like ransomware, denial of service, phishing, and malware. They intend to benefit from the system’s information.
Such a breach of security can have severe ramifications for a company or an individual. Comprising essential data can cost them financially and in other aspects. The attack instantly exposes, alters, disables, and obliterates the assets.
Companies with weak cybersecurity are more susceptible to cyber-attacks. It is imperative to establish systems like automated red teaming and spyware to steer clear of such misfortunes.
Systems like automated red teaming are noble hacking that examines potential security gaps that can grant unauthorized access to people/groups with malicious intent. The number of cybercrimes has significantly shot up in the past few years.
This can be credited to a shift in the online consumption of products. People spend their time online and also end up saving essential data. Hackers can get wind of this and exploit individuals.
Cyber attacks can occur for many reasons. But their primary goal is:
1) Acquiring a person or firm’s financial details.
2) Obtaining personal data.
3) Obtaining the staff or customers’ login credentials.
4) Getting client lists.
5) Obtaining customer databases.
6) IT infrastructure.
7) Trade secrets of product designs.
8) IT services.
9) Spying purposes.
10) Making a social or political point.
Don’t judge a company by its size: Small company owners often think their company is safe due to its smallness. It a highly mistaken notion since data thieves are looking for companies with a weaker security system. Small companies are prone to face hacks not only from outsiders but also insiders.
Hence, it is clear that hacking can occur due to many reasons. But the damage is almost always irreversible, and people must ensure that their security is more robust.
Hackers can be divided into two categories: hackers who risk the business from the outside and the present inside.
1) People who are insiders and have access to company information fall under his category. This includes trusted employees of the company who could accidentally misplaced information. Or careless employees who remiss policies and procedures.
Also, disgruntled ex-employees who intend to mar the business and malicious insiders have legitimate access to critical information. This list could also include business partners, clients, suppliers, and contractors who can access vital business assets and data.
1) These threats are induced by multiple sources that are not directly related to a business. People manifesting these attacks could be an organized criminal group, professional hackers, or amateur hackers.
It might be complex to dodge a cyber attack as proficient people produce them. But increased awareness and a slight shift in habits can safeguard one against the rising cybercrimes.
1) The company must train its employees sufficiently and prepare them for such situations. They must be made aware and steer clear of red flags.
2) Antiviruses should regularly be updated and downloaded. It ensures a safe environment for the data.
3) Using a firewall for the internet connection can also benefit.
4) Update the latest software and application releases as they are available.
5) It is imperative to have back up copies of essential business data.
6) The access to computers and networks should be controlled by the office.
7) Each employee must have an individual user account.
8) The data access given to the employees should be regulated.
9) Password changes must happen often.
10) Having a 2-way password authentication also goes a long way. It is a secure medium that shows efficacy.
11) Investing in cybersecurity insurance is an excellent policy as they cover the financial losses and help recover the lost data.
12) Use Continuous Automated Red Teaming (CART) that concentrates on enterprise security by constant recon & automated red teaming, assisting you in testing “all” of your assets “all” of the time.
13) Tightening the security systems will minimize attacks and offer fruitful guidelines.
The vulnerability of a system prompts cyber attacks. 2016 witnessed 758 million malicious attacks, and these numbers are only set to grow. Companies have borne significant losses and faced their adversaries. Popular companies like Adobe were also hacked. They beheld the loss of 2.9 million employee accounts that were thoroughly taken advantage of. Even Sony was attacked and paid 15 million dollars as compensation fees. It is hence necessary for people and companies to be wary.