What You Should Do After Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery can take a lot out of you, but don’t stress it! We’re here to tell you what you should do following surgery.

Have you recently had major surgery on your mouth? Are you wondering how to best recover after a root canal, gum graft, or impacted wisdom teeth?

Believe it or not, you can recover fairly quickly from oral surgery. However, it’s critical to take care of your teeth and make sure you get the proper rest.

Here are some things you need to know.

Take Rest:

Your body will need to recover after oral surgery. You can keep your head propped up on pillows in order to promote good blood flow and reduce the swelling in your mouth and face. This can also reduce the amount of bleeding.

Your body does a lot of healing while you’re sleeping, which is why it’s important to take it easy. Make sure you aren’t staying up late or spending time on work.

Watch Light-hearted Shows

If possible, take a couple of days to read and watch some light-hearted shows on TV. Give your body a chance to strengthen itself.

Food After Oral Surgery

It’s important to eat healthy, soft foods after oral surgery. Too much chewing can irritate the sites where surgery occurred and even dislodge a blood clot.

Focus on eating lots of soups, broths, and smoothies. Not only can you avoid chewing, but you’ll get some much-needed vitamins.

If you choose citrus fruits for your smoothie, you’ll be giving your body some much-needed Vitamin C. This can help improve collagen strength.

Fruits like mango and kiwi also contain Vitamin E, which can help your cells stabilize. And veggies like kale and broccoli contain zinc, which can help with your immune function and skin growth.

Many dentists recommend that you avoid using straws. This is because the sucking can put negative pressure on your mouth. The pressure can cause additional bleeding and delay your recovery.

Other excellent options are yogurt and cottage cheese. These contain calcium, which is important for your heart, muscles, and nerves. They also contain protein, which can help repair body tissues, fight infections, and form scars.

Other great options include scrambled eggs and oatmeal, which contains iron. This can help your production of red blood cells. You’ll also get some much-needed B-vitamins, which can increase your red blood cells and hemoglobin. This can help your body get oxygen, as well as the nutrients your incision site needs for healing.

Some folks prefer soft, comforting scrambled eggs while they’re recovering. This contains lots of protein and lots of Vitamin A, which helps with immune function and tissue growth.

Treats like ice cream and jello are also recommended, but only because they will make you feel better while you’re recovering!

Put Ice Your Mouth

Applying ice to your face while you’re recovering from surgery is helpful because it can reduce swelling. Many dentists recommend doing this for fifteen minutes and then take fifteen minutes off.

It’s important not to apply heat to the area, which includes food and drink that’s too hot. Your pain will be worse if you burn your tongue or the roof of your mouth.

Keep Your Mouth Clean

Your oral hygiene may not be exactly the same directly after your surgery, but you should try to keep your mouth clear of anything that could irritate your wound. You can rinse regularly with salt water, especially after you eat. Some dentists may also recommend brushing carefully as long as you avoid the incision area.

Take Your Medicine

Many dentists recommend taking over-the-counter pain medication that will help you out after the anesthetic wears off. Good options to have on hand include Aleve, Advil, and Motrin.

The worst of the pain will subside within 48 hours. If your dentist prescribes you medication, be sure to take it even if you aren’t in pain.

Some folks find it helps to find a dentist who specializes in painless treatments. You can click here for painless dentistry.

Take Vitamins

It’s important to get the right vitamins into your system through vitamin-rich foods. However, there are some nutrients you may not be getting through your limited diet. A liquid supplement can help you while you’re recovering.

For example, Vitamin K can be found in green leafy veggies, cauliflower, and cereal. If, however, you aren’t eating any of those, you may want to consider a supplement as part of a multivitamin.

Vitamin K can reduce your risk of bleeding after an operation. In some cases, your doctor may even recommend that you start taking it beforehand.

The grape seed extract is another helpful option because it includes Vitamins C and E. It can help protect your brain cells, as well as increase your overall sense of well-being. This can be helpful when you’re laying around after surgery and have a tendency to feel blue!

Grapeseed oil can reduce the swelling after surgery, and it may even protect your heart against damage during surgery. It’s also packed with antioxidants, which can reduce your risk of many serious diseases.

Coenzyme 10 is also quite helpful. It’s found in fish, nuts, and olive oil, which you may not be eating directly after surgery. You can also find it in milk and liquid supplements.

Coenzyme 10 provides your body with the energy it needs to digest foods, heal wounds, and perform other bodily functions. It helps to find some way to consume it after surgery.

Recovering From Oral Surgery

No one likes to hear that they need oral surgery. However, with the right medication and the right recovery routine, you could be back on your feet in no time.

Don’t stop getting smart about your health and lifestyle now. For more great advice, read our blog today.

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