3 Popular Destinations for your Tanzania Safari Tours

We all have been hearing or reading adventure stories since our childhood. We have heard stories about forests, stories about great escapes from the forests, stories about how animals have saved human lives from other predators (such as in The Jungle Book), and we have stories involving the animal kingdom. But since our childhood, we have fantasized about visiting such forests and being a part of such an adventure in person. However, then we all started growing up and time started pushing us away from such fantasies. The great and wise men suggest taking a break and a pause from such time and returning back to our fantasy land in order to lead a life free of stress and full of happiness. Planning a Tanzania safari tour would be the first step towards visiting our fantasy land.

Why Tanzania?

Africa, as a continent, has always created imagery of mystery, dense forests, wildlife and rich vegetation. Tanzania is a country situated on the eastern part of the continent and brings the imagery alive with its vivid locations, natural geographical variations, and rich flora and fauna that would attract anyone, even though he or she is not a nature enthusiast. Tanzania offers splendid views of craters, mountains, lakes, green rolling plains, and even majestic sea shores with popular places such as Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, Mozambique, and Zanzibar.

Further, Tanzania also has numerous natural reserves and wildlife conservation areas across the country. Some of the popular national parks and reserves are mentioned below. However, tourists are advised to check the preferable dates to visit such national parks and plan their trips accordingly to enjoy their Tanzania Safari Tour perfectly and happily.

It is interesting to note that Tanzania Safari Tours can be planned according to the tastes and preferences of the tourists. In case we want to enjoy Tanzania Safari Tours in an economical way, we can go for a hard-core adventurous trip sleeping in tents amidst the wild and mosquito hums. However, in case we do not prefer taking such hardships and have a fund to splurge, we should definitely go for the Tanzania Luxury Safari. Such luxurious safari tours would help us explore the same locations and adventures but in style and comfort.

Tanzania Luxury Safari would include sumptuous and exotic meals thrice a day, accommodation in luxurious stay-inns and places within the national parks or around it, a personal vehicle to enjoy the safari tours at our pace, airport pick-up, a personal driver and naturalists to guide us and freedom to spend our time in the lap of nature and enjoy it completely.

3 Popular Destinations for Tanzania Safari Tour:

1. Serengeti National Park: Situated in the Northern part of Tanzania, this national park is almost ten times bigger than the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. The basic texture, land type, vegetation, and even the wildebeest and their migration is somewhat similar to that of Masai Mara. However, a trip to Serengeti National Park in Tanzania would be a memorable trip because the vast expanse of the national reserve seems calm and peaceful even with heavy footfalls during the season. Also, the vast expanse of the national park indicates a wider variety of flora and fauna and an excellent ecosystem at the amalgamation of both of these.

2. Ngorongoro Conservation Area: Situated towards the east of Serengeti National Park, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Why? It is a world heritage site because this area is spread across more than 8000 square kilometers and houses savannah plains, woodlands that are typically deep and dense at places, a gorge, and a volcanic lake that makes the visit to Ngorongoro Conservation Area almost inevitable. Further, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area houses more than 25000 animals including black rhinos, hunting dogs, golden cats, buffaloes, elephants, lions, and leopards. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is also a fertile ground for wildebeest migration and the birth of their offspring.

3. Arusha National Park: This national park lies towards the east of Ngorongoro Conservation Area and south of Mount Kilimanjaro. This park is a small park with an area of around 552 square kilometers only but is the most accessible wildlife area in Tanzania. The park exhibits immense diversity in its fauna and house animals such as hippopotamus, zebra, buffaloes, elephants, antelopes, and other wildebeests. The national park also houses the active volcano of Mount Meru.

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.