4 Best Ways to Build Your Child’s Reading Confidence

Learning to read and write isn’t an easy feat for kids, but it can be much easier with your help. As a parent, it’s pretty straightforward to understand your child’s needs and use their strength to their advantage. And since kids are intuitively curious, creating a more explorative environment helps fast-track their reading progress. You can do a lot to help your child learn their vowels and connect words in sentences; it shouldn’t be an uphill task. To help you out, here are the best ways to build your child’s reading confidence.

1. Build the Idea Around Them

Your child needs the inspiration to read, and a culture reiterating the same ingrains the idea in their little minds. They’ll want to replicate the same if they see you reading a novel or skimming through a magazine. Perhaps you may need to limit your screen time, or at least in the moments, they’re around at home. Children in their early years mainly learn from observation and are always instinctive. Thus, infusing the idea of books and papers and seeing you reading more often will captivate them to learn and increase their reading confidence.

2. Talk Excitedly About Reading and Books

Talking about books and being visibly enthusiastic makes your child think reading is fun but not tedious. It’s a witty trick that most teachers in Singapore’s early learning and preschool childcare centres do, and it works pretty well. If you’re thinking about enrolling your child in one of the best institutions in the country, please visit https://www.mindchamps.org/au/early-learning/chatswood/. Talking excitedly about books helps build your child’s confidence and are more likely to take on the challenge.

3. Don’t Push Things Too Hard

The last thing you’d want to see is your child feeling like reading is a nuisance and nothing but the one thing that takes their fun away. If you push too hard, they’ll resist – they usually do – and turning it around would be challenging. Make it gentle, encourage them to do it, and engage them altogether. Let them feel like they’re doing it naturally rather than in coercion, and they come out reading confidently.

4. Allow for Some Privacy

It’s best to understand that a bit of privacy goes a long into building your child’s reading confidence. While you need to be around to guide them through, sometimes you should give them their space to find themselves. You can get them a few simple-to-read books with easy words and sit back, perhaps watching them from afar or leaving them alone altogether. That way, if they read their first word correctly and approve that later, they’ll feel much more confident to take on some more challenging words.


Reading and writing aren’t always a piece of cake for children, but you can alleviate their struggles and build their confidence. Therefore, you must understand how best you can do that without aggravating it. Making reading fun and a pure indulgence works best on your child’s confidence. Hence it helps to be more gentle and understanding. That way, it’ll offer the extra motivation to become more confident readers afterwards.

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.