5 Steps to Formulate Excellent Digital Marketing Strategy

All businesses strive to build lasting connections with their target audience to emerge as a symbol that resonates with their lifestyle. Brands want their consumers to regard them as opportunities to add quality and value to their lives. However, achieving this goal isn’t easy, especially if you operate in an industry crowded with large-scale competitors and conglomerates.

How can a small or medium-scale enterprise compete against large competitors and multi-national companies? A creative and competitive digital marketing strategy allows small businesses to carve out a niche and build a competitive industry presence. However, contrary to what most entrepreneurs assume, digital marketing success doesn’t demand an unlimited budget.

You don’t have to continue pouring money into Facebook ads and PPC campaigns to build traffic and generate leads. If that’s the strategy you’re relying on, you probably haven’t dived into market research and customer segmentation.

Discover more of digital marketing techniques by taking up a digital marketing course online and explore all the possible marketing benefits for your business.

Digital marketing is a science. There are no hacks or shortcuts, even though most marketers will compel you to think otherwise. In 2021, brands leverage the power of consistency and relevance to build and maintain audience engagement. Keep reading to explore the steps you must take to create a dynamic digital marketing strategy.

1.       Conduct Consumer Research

It’s crucial to prioritize market research before you start creating content and promoting advertisements. Understanding your target audience is of the utmost significance. You must identify your target audience and then break it down into various segments. Customer segmentation will introduce you to the multiple needs and preferences your brand must address.

Each customer segment is different, and understanding these differences will help you curate personalized offerings and advertisements. You must investigate strategies to engage with these consumers on platforms they frequently use. Research is essential to create a perfect blend of SEO marketing, social media marketing, keyword research, and link building strategies.

A strategy that may work for a business will not guarantee similar results for your website. Companies must dedicate resources to research to identify strategies that align with customer acquisition and revenue generation goals. Brands must engage and interact with their consumers on their preferred platforms, using highly personalized campaigns.

2.       Undertake Competitor’s Analysis

Studying your consumers alone isn’t enough to build a strong presence in your industry. You must dedicate resources to competitors’ analysis to cultivate and sharpen your competitive edge. Adopting strategies that work for successful competitors is a wise decision. Competitors’ analysis will equip you with valuable insights on pricing, promotion, website traffic, and content creation.

How are your successful competitors engaging with the target audience? Are they interacting with them on social media or driving organic traffic to their website with video marketing campaigns? More importantly, how are they improving their SEO rankings to rank better than your website?

Marketers strongly advise brands to take cues from their competitors while curating digital PR and backlink generation campaigns. Generating high-quality backlinks is not an easy endeavor unless you decide to imitate the practices of your competitors. You can target the same websites, marketers, and magazines they engage with to secure high-quality backlinks.

It’s also wise to target the same industry-specific and local keywords as your competitors to compete with their SEO ranking.

  • Embrace SEO to Secure Organic Traffic

In 2021, there’s an increased preference for organic traffic because search engine algorithms prioritize websites frequently visited by users. That’s right. Google’s bots are constantly surveying organic traffic, web page activity, and user engagement.

For instance, if a user spends an hour watching a panel discussion video on your web page, it indicates higher engagement and vice versa. With bots and algorithms surveying website traffic and engagement, the struggle to secure higher rankings is more challenging than ever. PPC campaigns and monetized promotions are no longer enough. Marketers must think outside the box to build relevance, domain authority, and user engagement.

Here are some vital elements for a successful SEO strategy:

  • Building relevance with industry-specific keywords & user-generated search queries
  • Building domain authority with digital PR and high-quality backlinks
  • Maintaining a user-friendly website devoid of technical errors
  • Original and creative content to secure user trust and loyalty

The digital marketing arena is abuzz with newer technologies and innovations, but the elements mentioned above are an absolute necessity. Marketers can afford to neglect artificial intelligence, but they cannot overlook keyword research and domain authority. Setting SEO priorities is of the utmost importance to identify strategies that bring real-time results.

4.       Prioritize Creativity & Originality

Consumers strive to connect with brands who win them over with quirky creativity and distinctive originality. All businesses strive to create a creative ripple in the marketing with their campaigns, but very few brands succeed. Iconic campaigns like Nike’s Just Do It, and Dove’s Real Beauty raises the bar for branding and storytelling extremely high.

Marketers and content creators must strive to engage, inspire and interact with consumers by building deeper connections. Brands cannot turn a blind eye to the socio-political and emotional issues concerning their target audiences. In fact, brands must create campaigns grounded within these issues to market content that is relatable and inspiring.

If your audience cannot relate to your audience, how will you convert users into loyal customers? Branding is the art of storytelling that allows businesses to capture consumers by representing their values, beliefs, and preferences. Despite the heightened pace of innovation, there’s no alternative for original and creative content.

5.       Explore Multiple Mediums

Customer segmentation will introduce you to the various content mediums and digital platforms preferred by your audience. It’s crucial to experiment with different mediums and content niches as opposed to sticking with one medium. Running a blog alone isn’t enough to draw traffic, particularly when more than half your target audience prefers watching videos.

Users have exhibited a clear preference for videos produced from a video maker and images because reading demands more time and effort. It’s crucial to engage your audience with various content mediums, such as podcasts, panel discussions, photo stories, and more.


Building an excellent digital marketing strategy isn’t as overwhelming as it may seem. With market research and creativity, you can build a successful campaign yourself. In 2021, businesses can embrace incredible marketing tools that automate and streamline activities to save time and resources. Business owners worry more about the execution and results and allocate lesser resources and time to creativity. Therein lies the reason that sets hundreds of businesses up for advertising failure. Creativity is the most powerful force that will make your marketing campaign stand out and command attention.

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