Over 5 million visitors from Africa, Asia, America, and other parts of the world have visited France’s Eiffel Tower in the past ten years. I’ll start off by telling you a little story about the five travel phrases that let a man from Asia survive in France.
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Here is a brief account of how an Asian man survived in France after becoming lost. This is one of the top 5 survival phrases that will save you in France.
Parlez vous anglais?
Do you speak English?
Since it first attracted visitors more than 130 years ago, the Eiffel Tower has served as a historical icon for Paris and all of France. In the year 2019, a man from Asia went to the Eiffel Tower like every other traveler in the world does. He arrived in France and went straight from the airport to Eiffel Tower.
When he arrived at the Tower, he noticed other tourists, he was happy and not long after he started feeling hungry and empty inside. He needs and wants to eat, but how can an Asian man who does not understand much French manage to find his way around Eiffel Tower, and get to a restaurant? First, he needs to find someone that speaks English.
How? Using the survival phrase to ask people “Parlez vous anglais?” meaning “do you speak English”
Pardon. Où puis-je trouver ce restaurant?
Excuse me. Where can I find this restaurant?
A few searches later, he locates an English speaker. You’re curious how an Asian might communicate in English. He picked it up from a tutor in English on Amazing Talker. You shouldn’t be stranded because you can’t speak or comprehend a few survival words of the country you are traveling to because learning any language is now quite simple.
Back to our Asian tourists in France. He’s now with some who “comprend l’anglais” meaning “understands English” they are both taking a walk down the street, remembering he wants to eat and the only way to tell his new French friend is to ask using the phrase “Pardon. Où puis-je trouver ce restaurant ?”
Combien ça coûte?
How much is this?
His companion is now aware of our Asian man’s situation, and he was able to do so because it was explained to him in French. They both enter the next eatery that is open. There are other tourists nearby eating French fries and other cuisines.
Our Asian visitor is unsure of what to buy because he is hungry and is also reviewing his budget to avoid seeming foolish by failing to pay for the meal he ordered.
Finally, his new French friend showed a couple of nice dishes, he looked at them and smiled, signaling that he loved them, only to see how ridiculously priced the cuisines are. He was furious and to be sure of the price, he used the phrase “Combien ça coûte?” asking how much it is.
Je veux aller à la gare.
I want to go to the train station.
When his new French friend asked our Asian man where he was going after leaving the restaurant, the Asian man replied “Je veux aller à la gare”. With the help of his friend, he was able to find the train station in this way; otherwise, he would have been on another hunt, similar to the one he was on when he was looking for a place to eat when his ulcer started at the tower.
Désolé, mon français n’est pas bon.
Sorry, my French is not good.
Now our Asian guy has been able to connect with a friend, find a restaurant, get food prices, and eat because he understood just 4 phrases in the french language. This is why learning the local language of the country you are visiting is very important.
As our Asian dude made his way into the train, he shook the hand of his friend and thanked him for showing him help. As the French Friend turned back, he told him “Désolé, mon français n’est pas bon.” meaning “sorry, my french is not good”.

To recap, the 5 most important French phrases that will help you survive in France are;
- Do you speak english – Parlez vous anglais?
- Excuse me, where can I find this restaurant – Pardon. Où puis-je trouver ce restaurant ?
- How much is? – Combien ça coûte?
- I want to go to the train station – Je veux aller à la gare.
- Sorry, my French is not good – Désolé, mon français n’est pas bon.
With these phrases, our Asian guy was able to navigate and cross his ordeals in France. This is a testament to why you need to learn the language of your host country. Fun fact, you can learn this by hiring a tutor to teach you any language on Amazing Talker