5 Tips to Choose Best Boarding School in North India

Many parents do not like the boarding school system for their kids. The idea of sending their children away from home for such a long period of time might sound very cruel to some and many may find it unnecessary. But there are families that take this brave decision, generation after generation for they know the long term benefit of this little sacrifice. The students of boarding schools are always way more self-dependent and confident in comparison to the day boarding school students. The boarding schools turn an average kid into someone who is excellent in academic and a complete gentleman. Read more to know more about boarding school education system.

North India is where you will find most of the boarding schools in India but to choose the best boarding school for your ward, you need to keep the following points in mind.

1. Which board the school is affiliated to : Most of the schools in India are either CBSE board affiliated or they follow ICSE syllabus. Both of the syllabuses have their own importance. CBSE board has its own advantages and ICSE is preferred by many for a different reason. For the students who wish to appear in IIT JEE, CAT, AFMC, AIIMS or similar entrance exams prefer CBSE syllabus while students who have foreign institutes in mind should go for schools that follow ICSE syllabus. Visit here to find out the advantages and disadvantages of these two syllabuses.

2. The infrastructure : Infrastructure of the school plays a major role in the overall education of the student. Modern classrooms with smart boards, projectors and air conditions are very necessary these days. With projectors, you not only provide a visual life to students but also makes to bring more interest in them toward education. Some of the best mini projectors or portable projectors are easily available at “Piqo”. Wi-Fi connection in computer labs is a must. Libraries should be rich enough to provide students material on every subject and school needs to have well equipped Biology labs, Chemistry Labs, Art and Craft Labs, Auditoriums, Play grounds, Courts for Indoor and Outdoor games, etc too.

3. The facilities in Hostels : You kid is going to spend the major part of his life in his hostel ,once he gets admission in a boarding school so it is your duty to check if the school facilitates a safe and comfortable hostel for the wards or not. You need to check the hygiene level, the medical facilities within the premises, the mess, the hostel staff, etc. If possible try to talk to the seniors residing in the hostel for only they can give you the true picture of the place. Visit website to know about the boarding schools with best infrastructure.

4. The location : Location of the school plays a very important role. You will always find that the boarding schools that are located at a secluded place in a peaceful city are always successful and that is why city like Dehradun and hill stations are most preferred places for some of the best boarding school in north India like The Doon International School Riverside Campus, The Doon School, Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, Welhem Girl’s School and more.

5. The fees : Today when people do not mind paying what they can afford for their kids, the education has become more like a business and many educational institutes seem to run like businesses as well. Hence it is important to check the fee structure carefully when you are choosing a boarding school for your kid. The focus of school should be on providing better education rather than burning a hole in your pockets. You need to compare the school fee with that of the other schools to find out if the fee school is charging is justified and also better pick schools where admissions are merit based. Paying for the seat is never a good idea if you have genuine education in your mind for your kid’s better future.