6 Ways to Make Your Home More Inviting

Opening your home to others can be a rewarding way to build a stronger sense of community between yourself and your friends and loved ones. However, it can take more than just a willing attitude to help your guests feel welcome at your place. If you love to entertain, there are steps you can take to make your home feel more comfortable and inviting to others.

1. Never Underestimate the Power of Fragrance

The smell of your home is one of the first things people will notice when they walk through the front door. Strong, unpleasant odors can be very off putting, so take steps to keep the air smelling fresh by keeping your home clean. Also, prioritize circulating fresh air throughout your home on a routine basis.

Using pleasant scents not only helps keep unwanted smells at bay but can also go a step further to make your home feel more inviting and welcoming. Products by Young Living Essential Oils are a great option because they use natural ingredients to clean the air while also creating a soothing fragrance.

When you have company, choose aroma combinations that aren’t too strong; you don’t want to trigger any allergies or sensitivities in your guests. Instead, opt for essential oils that give your place that homey smell, such as vanilla, sandalwood, lavender, or lemon. Dilute them in carrier oil to control the concentration.

2. Keep Things Clutter-Free

While your home doesn’t need to be perfectly clean before you invite someone in, it is a good idea to keep clutter and messes to a minimum. Too much junk can actually cause anxiety for many people, so make sure everything in your home has a place.

Some of the biggest culprits that pile up easily are things like dirty dishes, mail, and books. Take a quick 10-minute walkthrough in your house and toss out trash, put items away, and haul those empty plates and dishes to the sink. This helps create more space for your guests and their personal items.

3. Enhance the Mood With the Right Lighting

When it comes to creating an inviting atmosphere, lighting truly is essential. If your home is too dim, it can give the space a dreary vibe and may appear as though you are hiding dust and dirt from visitors.

On the other hand, too much bright light, especially fluorescent light, can make a room feel almost sterile. It can be difficult to relax and feel comfortable in this type of setting. In general, natural light is ideal during the day. In the evenings, utilize lamps, candles, or even your fireplace to provide a warm and welcoming glow without letting things get too dim.

4. Provide Options for Comfort

For your guests to relax and feel truly at home, be sure to provide plenty of plush, soft materials to help them feel comfortable. Keep a stash of plump throw pillows and cuddly blankets on hand. If you don’t have enough seating with your current furniture layout, consider adding some plush floor cushions so everyone has a comfy place to sit.

5. Keep Snacks and Beverages Within Reach

Another way to make friends and family feel welcome is to offer something to eat and drink, even if it is small and simple. You can prepare something homemade ahead of time if you plan on having visitors later. However, gathering some individually portioned options and placing them in a prominent area works just as well.

Granola bars, snack mixes, nuts, and fruits are all excellent choices that are easy to serve and easy to eat. Don’t forget to set out a pitcher of water with a few glasses. For that extra touch of hospitality, brew a pot of coffee or tea to serve.

6. Don’t Skimp on the Personal Touches

Think back to the places you’ve visited in the past where you felt the most welcome and relaxed. Chances are, these were homes that were tidy and well-kept, but still included plenty of personal touches to make the place feel special and full of love. While you’ll want to keep things balanced and uncluttered, don’t shy away from proudly displaying photographs, keepsakes, mementos, and children’s artwork. These items really help a house feel more like a home.

The next time you have company, try these tips to make your home more inviting. You can also make them part of your routine so you’re ready for unexpected guests too.

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.