A Concise Kitchen Remodel Checklist

When you wake up in the morning, one of the first rooms you visit is the kitchen. The kitchen is a hub of excitement and mouthwatering feasts if you’re entertaining or hosting family holiday gatherings. The kitchen also frequently serves as a command center for families. 

It’s safe to say that the kitchen is the heart of the home. That’s why it’s important to get it right if you’re thinking about remodeling your kitchen. Make sure your remodeling project is perfect with our kitchen remodel checklist! 

Plan Your Kitchen Renovation

Before you go out and start buying materials you need to decide what you’re going to do. Start by asking yourself, “What do I actually use my kitchen for?”. Do you need a bigger kitchen with lots of areas for food storage, or a smaller more functional kitchen? 

Do you have children that utilize the kitchen as an area for homework while dinner cooks? Or maybe you like to can your homegrown vegetables and need a lot of workspaces. Keep this in mind when planning your remodel and choosing your layout. 

Once you know what kind of work areas and storage needs you have, it’s time to choose a layout. Some of the most popular layouts include:

  • Galley style
  • L shaped
  • Horseshoe
  • Peninsula 
  • Pullman Kitchens “AKA one wall”

Finding a Pro

A kitchen remodel is a serious undertaking, it can be technical and can require a bit of skill. Including using power tools, cutting materials to precise dimensions, and using specialty tools for materials like tile and glass. If this sounds stressful you may want to consider hiring a professional to help with your remodeling project. 

A contractor can give you an idea of how much materials will cost based on your preferences and a timeline of when work will be completed. Find out more about hiring a professional here! 

Budgeting Your Kitchen Remodel Checklist

Once you’ve planned out your remodel and decided whether to hire a contractor, it’s time to set a budget. Start off by deciding how much you can afford to spend on your project. Once you have an overall total of what you can afford, start making a list of things you need and things you want. 

Keep in mind there are some items that are a lot more expensive than others but may last longer than cheaper options. A contractor can help you price these materials, explain their longevity, and if they are feasible for your project. 

Make Your House a Home

Whether you’re dreaming of a new gourmet kitchen, or a functional family center, following our tips can help you make your dreams a reality. We hope this Kitchen remodel checklist gives you a sense of direction for your remodeling project.

Be sure to check out the rest of our blog for inspiration on making your house a home! 

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.