Conditions That Might Require You to See a Hip Doctor

Generally, hip pain is one of the common symptoms most people experience when suffering from conditions affecting the hip joint. In most cases, you might start experiencing hip pain that often disappears on its own, but in other cases, it persists, thus affecting your performance at work. You must seek medical help for prompt diagnosis and treatment in such cases. Therefore, if you have been experiencing hip pain, you should consider consulting a hip doctor who will perform several investigations to help determine the cause of your problem and offer the best treatment. Below are some conditions requiring you to see a hip doctor.


You usually experience pain outside your hip, buttocks, or thighs when you have bursitis. Bursitis occurs when the pillow-like fluid sacs, whose role is to prevent muscles and tendons from rubbing against the bone, get inflamed. Usually, climbing stairs or walking for a while can worsen your condition, thus causing pain. The recommended treatment for bursitis is ice compression, rest, pain medications, and anti-inflammatory medications. In other cases, your doctor may recommend cortisone injections to help alleviate inflammation.


If you are active and your groin or hip flexor is tender when you move or touch them, you are more likely to suffer from tendonitis. Tendonitis often occurs due to overuse or straining of your tendons which are typically cords that attach your muscles to the bone, thus leading to minor injuries that result in muscular imbalances in your hip. People at risk of developing tendonitis are those that take part in specific activities like playing soccer. The treatment options offered for tendonitis are similar to those for bursitis.


Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of hip pain. Also, it causes your joints to swell and become stiff because of cartilage breakdown and inflammation resulting in deformity and pain. In most cases, when your hip bones are not formed perfectly thus making the bones do not fit together, which makes them rub against each other resulting in pain. The best treatment for osteoarthritis is steroids, rest, over-the-counter pain medication, ice, anti-inflammatory medications, and other aggressive treatments such as surgery and stem cell therapy.

Hip impingement

Participating in intense activities can make your hip bones fuse in an abnormal limit and shape movements commonly referred to as femoral acetabular impingement or hip impingement. The condition causes pain and increases your risk of developing premature osteoarthritis. The first line of treatment is physical therapy, and surgery can be done to move your hip bones back into position.

Core muscle injury

Pain around your groin region might be due to core muscle injuries like a tear of muscles, strain, or soft tissues in your lower abdomen. The recommended treatment is rest and surgery to help repair torn muscles and soft tissues.

You are always responsible for your hip health. Therefore, you can prevent hip pain by strengthening your core, controlling your weight, attending annual check-ups, or taking part in yoga or stretching activities. However, if you have been experiencing persistent hip pain due to the following conditions, you can book your appointment at Integrity Orthopedics and receive the best treatment. Doing so help also alleviates hip pain, thus enabling you to resume your daily chores. But if your pain is long-lasting or very intense, you might be referred to a primary care physician.

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.