Under the National E District Amtron Governance Plan, the Assam e District Project is a Mission Mode Project (NeGP). The Government of Assam’s Information Technology Department is carrying out this project. The goal of this project is to enhance G2C interactions between citizens and the government. By increasing district efficiencies, it seeks to provide citizens with seamless service delivery.
The goal of the E District Amtron project is to provide G2C service in each of the state’s current districts. Through the Internet, Common Service Centers (Arunodoy CSCs), and Public Facilitation Centers (PFCs) at DC, SDO, and Circle Offices, it will enable the general public to access government services in their neighborhood.
It is anticipated that citizen-centric services will be delivered electronically, guaranteeing citizens’ affordability while maintaining efficiency, transparency, and dependability. Public Facilitation Centers (PFCs), the project’s front ends, are constructed at the district, subdivision, and circle levels. Arunodoy Common Services Centres (CSCs) set up front-ends at the village level to deliver services.
The following are the project’s main goals
- improved service levels and effective service delivery
- Enhancing the abilities of field workers
- Availability of effective, trustworthy, accountable, and transparent services
- cutting back on government and citizen service hours and expenses
- Improving the Government’s Image and Perception
The n-tier architecture model forms the foundation of the E District Amtron technical architecture. The application architecture integrates with back-end department systems using industry-standard protocols like XML, SOAP, and HTTP.
A District E District Amtron Governance Society is responsible for overseeing the project (DeGS). The District Deputy Commissioner serves as the Chairman of each of the 27 DeGS that are operational throughout the State. Each district is assigned an e District Project Manager (eDPM) to oversee and manage the project’s daily operations at the district level. Assam Electronics Development Corporation Ltd. is implementing the e District project in Assam.
Web enabled and based on Java, the e District application provides G2C services. This work flow-based application, hosted at the SDC, has services configured according to roles, responsibilities, types, and levels of access for different functionaries.Both at the State and District levels, the work flow is customizable.
This is what the e District application business layer offers:
- Workflow: to streamline the process of approving requests from citizens at different levels.
- Verification of citizenship via Aadhaar/NPR
- PKI Support to make using digital signatures easier.
- Payment gateways allow users to use credit, debit, or net banking to make payments directly.
- Mobile applications that inform citizens of updates.
- Interfaces for Local Languages
Capacity building has been one of the primary focus areas under the E District Amtron project. Under the project, training programs have been developed and implemented in districts throughout the state, taking into account the roles and responsibilities of government officials and staff at different levels. The main element of e District consists of the following training modules:
- Foundational Knowledge of Computers
- Comprehensive Computer Instruction
- Trainings for e District Applications
- Instruction in Digital Signature Usage
- Instruction for CSC Operators
Following the project’s implementation, the following benefits are anticipated:
- Access to integrated services for citizens at their doorsteps (CSCs)
- Service Delivery that is Accountable, Transparent, and Responsive
- Automation and Modernization in District Management
- Citizen empowerment
- Savings for citizens’ costs because of
- Fewer journeys
- Shorter wait times
- Monitoring the status of applications
- Transactional savings