About Emma Argues with Principal Figgins

Emma Argues with Principal Figgins are the fictional characters from the Fox musical comedy drama series Glee. Glee is a series that is about the high school environment, students, Emma Pillsbury’s debate with principal Figgins, romance, social issues, family, relationships, the Glee Club, and teamwork. Glee is a web series with the fictional characters Emma and Figgins. The Glee series aired on Fox from 2009 to 2015.

Who was Emma Pillsbury?

Emma Pillsbury is a character who used to appear in the musical comedy dram series Glee. Emma Pillsbury is playing the role of guidance consul at William McKinley High School. Glee is a series about the dropout students who joined the Glee Club to achieve something in their lives. Emma Pillsbury, the character, was portrayed by Jyma Mays. Jyma Mays is an American actress who is popular for her work in various movies and web series like Paul Blart, Epic, and others.

Who was Principal Figgins?

Principal Figgins is another fictional character from the same series, Glee. Principal Figgins played the role of head of William McKinley High School. Principal Figgins is a character who follows his mind. He was very disciplined and wanted everyone to follow the rules and regulations he set. He wanted his high school to be recognized, but he had no sympathy for the dropout students. Principal Figgins was portrayed by Iqbal Theba. Iqbal is a Pakistani actor who works in the Hollywood film industry and is known for his work in Illegal, Land of Gold, and Figgins.

How is Emma related to Principal Figgins? (Emma Argues with Principal Figgins)

Emma Pillsbury and Principal Figgins are the characters from the same web series, Glee. Emma enters this web series through the episode Journey. Emma Pillsbury joined William McKinley High School as a general counsellor, while Principal Figgins is the head or dean of the same school. Emma and Figgins are related to each other as boss and staff or principal and teacher.

Emma Argues with Principal Figgins are shown as two different poles of magnets. Emma is a counsellor who treats students with love, care, and concern, while Principal Figgins was bonded to his rules, regulations, and strict discipline protocols. The Glee web series turned very popular on the OTT platforms because of the debate that happened with Principal Figgins for the dropout students.

Why did Emma argue with Principal Figgins?

Emma Pillsbury is a general consular who wanted the best for the kids of William Mckinely High School. The Glee Club was joined by the students who were not accepted by anyone else. Principal Figgins wanted all the students to be in a proper uniform and be obedient to his orders and high school norms.

Emma was emotionally attached to the students; she wanted them to dress like they felt; they should dress to express themselves. On the other hand, Figgins wanted them to be in a proper uniform, which was one of the arguing moments. Emma argues with Principal Figgins for the kids; they both had their own points, and none of them was ready to give up.

In the series, this topic was one of the longest stretched parts, which shows the long battle between Emma and Principal Figgins. Emma believed that students are the base of any school and the education system should focus on their growth, while Principal Figgins believed that the growth and reputation of the school are more important than everything. Emma always wanted students to raise their voice for their rights, while Figgins wanted them to be disciplined.

Both wanted the best for the common individual, but still, they always seemed to be arguing with each other because of their perspectives. Emma always took a stand for the Flee Club, as she knew that this club could help the kids grow and achieve fame and a healthy lifestyle in their lives.

The high authority of the school was not very happy with Emma’s decisions; they tried to put some pressure on her, but still, Emma didn’t give up hope and was standing in the battle, which she was fighting for the best of the students. The Emma and Principal Figgins debate can be metaphorically expressed as a battle between a dreamer and a doer. Throughout the series, Emma shines as a believer, hope, positively charged fighter, and a character who wants the kids to understand the true meaning of life, while Principal Figgins is represented as a disciplined, ground-in-charge and realistic person.

In the episode Journey of the musical comedy drama series Glee, Emma seemed to be very passionate and wanted to change the scenario of the club for the students. She decided to take the rally of the students—a walkout from the club. Principal Figgins was completely against this idea of hers, and this talk among them took the form of an argument between both. Emma was fearless and not afraid to lose her job or career; she did what she felt as a counsellor was right for the William McKinley School and the students of the Glee Club.

Arguments between Emma Pillsbury and Principal Figgins always resulted in unresolved tension. Their arguments never came to a conclusion. The arguments started to emphasize the respect and mutual understanding of both the fictional characters. Maker of the Glee has scripted one of the common arguments that take place in every school and club; that is one of the major reasons that their debate portion was elongated in the series.

How did Emma’s arguments with Principal Figgins turn out to be helpful for the high school?

Emma Pillsbury

Arguments between Emma and Principal Figgins were never-ending, but with continuous debate and disagreement with each other, gradually they started to understand each other’s perspectives. They both knew that both of them were taking aggressive and right decisions for the school. Emma’s arguments with Principal Figgins brought some considerations to the attention of the higher authority at William McKinley School. Their debate helped the other faculties make dynamic decisions that are actually beneficial for the students and the club.

The clash between both qualified positions at William McKinley High School gradually brought a mutual understanding and respect for each other among Emma and Principal Figgins.

IMBD about Emma Argues with Principal Figgins and the cast behind those characters

Jyma Mays and Iqbal Theba had actually brought life to the characters of emma argues with principal figgins; they prove how great they are. They both shared a completely opposite relationship on the set of Glee. Glee is rated 9.6 out of 10 by IMBD, which makes it worth adding it to the watch list of everyone’s profile.


  • Who is Emma Pillsbury?

Emma Pillsbury is a character who used to appear in the musical comedy dram series Glee. Emma Pillsbury is playing the role of guidance consul at William McKinley High School.

  • Who portrayed the character of Principal Figgins?

Principal Figgins was portrayed by Iqbal Theba. Iqbal is a Pakistani actor who works in the Hollywood film industry and is known for his work in Illegal, Land of Gold, and Figgins.

  • Who was behind the remarkable character of Emma Pillsbury?

Emma Pillsbury, the character, was portrayed by Jyma Mays. Jyma Mays is an American actress who is popular for her work in various movies and web series like Paul Blart, Epic, and others.

  • Why did Emma argue with Principal Figgins?

Emma seemed to be very passionate and wanted to change the scenario of the club for the students. She decided to take the rally of the students—a walkout from the club. Principal Figgins was completely against this idea of hers, and this talk among them took the form of an argument between both. By the end of the series, they started to understand each other’s perspectives.


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