Fighting Urinary Incontinence: Practical Ways to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

Millions of people worldwide suffer from urinary incontinence (UI), which causes them to leak urine unintentionally. At the same time, there are many treatments available for UI in McAllen, Texas, one of the most effective in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. A McAllen gynecology expert will help you make your pelvic muscles strong. Let’s look at the best ways to do just that.

Kegel Exercises

These exercises are the most well-known and effective way to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises involve repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles that control urine flow. Kegel exercises can help improve UI, but they can also help treat other conditions like fecal incontinence and prolapse.


This treatment uses sensors to help patients become more aware of their pelvic floor muscles. This awareness can then be used to help them improve their muscle control. Biofeedback is an effective treatment for UI, especially when combined with other therapies like pelvic floor muscle exercises.

Pelvic Floor Muscle Training

Muscle training is a type of physical therapy that helps to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This treatment can be done through exercises, electrical stimulation, or both. Pelvic floor muscle training is an effective treatment for UI, especially when combined with other therapies like biofeedback.

Work on Your Core

One of the best ways to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles is to strengthen the core. Strong abdominal and back muscles can help to support the pelvic floor and prevent UI. Many different exercises can help to improve your core, so talk to a physical therapist or doctor to find the best ones for you.

Manage Your Weight

Being overweight or obese can put extra pressure on the pelvic floor muscles and lead to UI. Besides, losing weight can help to reduce this pressure and improve UI. If you are struggling to lose weight, talk to a doctor or dietitian to find the right plan.


This is a type of exercise that can help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Yoga poses targeting the pelvis, like bridge pose and warrior III pose can be especially helpful. Talk to a yoga instructor about which poses are best for strengthening the pelvic floor.

Stop Smoking

Tobacco is a risk factor for UI. Quitting smoking can help to reduce the risk of UI and improve overall health. If you’re struggling to quit, talk to a doctor about ways to make it easier.

Limit Caffeine

The stimulant can be a risk factor for UI, so limiting your caffeine intake can help to reduce the risk. If you’re struggling to cut back on caffeine, try gradually reducing the amount you drink each day. You may also want to avoid drinking caffeine late in the day, as it can interfere with sleep quality.

Avoid Constipation

It leads to straining during bowel movements, weakening the pelvic floor muscles, and UI. Eat a high-fiber diet, drink plenty of fluids, and exercise regularly to avoid constipation.

In conclusion, urinary incontinence is a common condition that can be treated differently. One of the most effective treatments is strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. There are many different ways to do this, so talk to your doctor or physical therapist to find the best option.

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.