How To Get Relief From Anxiety?

A throbbing heart, clammy palms, racing thoughts – these are the unwelcome companions of those grappling with anxiety disorders. With one in thirteen people worldwide living with an anxiety disorder, it has firmly established itself as the most prevalent mental health condition globally, as per the World Health Organization (WHO). Taming anxiety’s debilitating grip is a priority for these individuals, which prompts exploration into safe and effective symptom management. Enter cannabidiol, popularly known as CBD. In recent times, CBD has stepped into the limelight as a potential alternative or complementary solution for alleviating anxiety. But is it truly a wonder or just another instance of overhyped snake oil? As clinical research on CBD’s efficacy for anxiety disorders flourishes, the accumulating evidence suggests promising therapeutic prospects. Apply for a medical marijuana card in Lancaster if you live in California, and suffering from anxiety, depression, PTSD or any health related medical health condition.

A Closer Look at CBD’s Anxiety-Reducing Potential

Despite most CBD studies starting with animal models, there’s a surge of clinical research delving into CBD’s effectiveness for anxiety. Double-blind human trials are emerging, illuminating the potential benefits.

Japanese Teenagers and CBD: A 2019 study involving 37 Japanese teenagers afflicted with social anxiety disorder (SAD) provided intriguing insights. These participants were administered 300 mg of CBD oil daily for four weeks in a double-blind setup. Remarkably, CBD exhibited anti-anxiety properties, effectively alleviating SAD symptoms akin to Paroxetine, a conventional drug used for treating the condition. Real-world Application: A 2019 retrospective case study set in a mental health clinic in Fort Collins, Colorado, focused on 47 patients expressing anxiety concerns. Over three months, these individuals received a daily dose of 25 mg of CBD alongside their ongoing treatment. The outcome was promising – after the initial assessment, 79.2% reported reduced anxiety. This percentage further increased to 78.1% after two months.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge the intricacies within these findings. Some participants experienced worsening anxiety after consuming CBD. A 2018 study highlighted that CBD might heighten anxiety, particularly among individuals with paranoid traits. These diverse outcomes could arise from factors like varying sample sizes and dosage protocols. CBD operates in a bidirectional manner, meaning it can evoke opposing responses at different dosages.

Navigating CBD Consumption for Anxiety Management

When considering CBD oil to mitigate anxiety, understanding its various consumption methods is key. Each technique has pros and cons, influencing your choice based on your individual preferences and needs.

Tinctures and Oils: These provide a swift, accurate, and convenient way to consume CBD. A dropper facilitates precise measurement, allowing CBD to swiftly enter the bloodstream when taken sublingually. Results can surface within ten minutes, with effects lasting up to four hours.

CBD Vape Oils: Vaping, while offering quick effects, has raised concerns about safety. Cases like VAPI or EVALI underscore potential risks, necessitating caution when selecting vaping products.

Edibles: Adding CBD to food offers an enjoyable method, although it requires patience as results may take up to an hour to manifest. Yet, oral CBD’s bioavailability can impede absorption, limiting its efficacy.

Smoking: Smoking directly delivers CBD to the lungs, ensuring rapid absorption into the bloodstream. However, accurate dosing might be challenging, and smoking itself can trigger lung inflammation.

Deciphering CBD Dosages for Anxiety

Dosage plays a pivotal role in CBD’s efficacy for anxiety management. The studies referenced earlier featured significantly different dosage ranges, underlining the absence of universally recommended dosages for CBD. Factors influencing your ideal CBD dose include body weight, metabolism, CBD concentration, and anxiety severity. As no large-scale clinical trials have established definitive guidelines, a cautious, informed approach to dosing is prudent. 

Dosage calculations or apps can provide recommendations based on your weight and symptoms. Start Low, Go Slow: CBD’s bidirectional effects imply that it can evoke contrasting responses at different doses. Initiating with a low dose and gradually increasing it allows you to gauge how your body responds. This titration method promotes the safe exploration of CBD’s potential benefits.

CBD’s potential in alleviating anxiety is undeniable, yet navigating its intricacies necessitates informed decisions. As research continues to unfold, it’s essential to approach CBD consumption with attentiveness and a comprehensive understanding of its effects on individual well-being.

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.