How to Get Rid of Scarring From Acne: 5 Methods That Work

Did you know that up to 50 million Americans experience acne every year? That makes it the most prevalent of all skin conditions.

As if its symptoms aren’t bad enough, acne also causes scarring and dark marks. And while minor acne scars can fade over time, the more severe ones are deeper and can be permanent.

Fortunately, treatments for both minor and severe acne scars are available Evion 400.

Ready to learn how to get rid of scarring from acne? Then keep reading, as we’ve listed and discussed the top treatment methods below.

1. Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is a skin-resurfacing treatment involving a device that spins rapidly. This movement causes the skin’s outer layer to exfoliate or shed off its dead cells. As a result, it reveals the smooth and often unflawed skin underneath.

Thus, dermabrasion can help minimize the appearance of acne scars and dark spots. Dermatologists even use it to treat fine facial lines, wrinkles, and surgical scars.

2. Microdermabrasion

While dermabrasion is effective, it’s quite an aggressive treatment. For example, it causes skin crusting and downtime of at least one week. However, some people may experience prolonged periods of redness, swelling, and crustiness.

The good news is that microdermabrasion is a less intense version of dermabrasion. You may have heard this technique referred to as a power peel.

With a power peel, crystals replace the rapidly-spinning device as an exfoliant. That makes it a gentler alternative for removing acne scars on the face. You can check out this page to learn about microdermabrasion in more detail.

3. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels involve applying an exfoliating liquid solution on the skin. Within a few days, the topmost layer of the skin will shed, revealing the “fresh” layer beneath. In this way, it can help lighten acne scars and minimize hyperpigmentation.

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4. Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing uses the energy in lasers to trigger changes in the skin. For example, an ablative laser procedure removes the skin’s topmost layer. That results in the “surfacing” of the underlying skin, which may have fewer flaws, such as acne scars.

Alternatively, you can get non-ablative laser treatment. Instead of removing the topmost layer of the skin, its goal is to trigger collagen production. That encourages new cells to grow and replace acne-damaged, scarred, and flawed tissues.

5. Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are injectable solutions containing minerals and compounds. However, the most common ingredient is hyaluronic acid (HA).

HA is a thick substance produced naturally by the body. Most of the body’s supply is in the connective tissues, with around half being in the skin alone. After all, it’s a chief component of the skin’s structure, hydrating it and giving it a plump appearance.

Since dermal fillers contain HA, they can help reduce pitting and scarring from acne. Indeed, it’s one of the FDA-approved methods for correcting acne scars.

That’s How to Get Rid of Scarring From Acne

And there you have it, your ultimate guide on how to get rid of scarring from acne. Now you know that you have at least five options, from dermabrasion to dermal fillers .

However, please note that you may need repeated treatments for more stubborn scarring. Still, that’s better than letting the scars ruin your skin permanently Doug.

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Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.