Anyone who has experienced a broken limb can attest that it’s not fun. The body parts work in harmony with each other. If one is out of commission, it forces the others to pick up the slack.
On average, a broken arm takes six to eight weeks to heal. If you follow all doctor’s orders, your doctor can remove the cast on schedule. Severely injured bones will take longer to heal. Plus, age plays a factor in the healing process.
To help the time flow faster, adopt a positive mindset during this trying time. A positive mindset keeps mental health in a good place. You’re less likely to reinjure yourself or experience a setback if you take this episode in stride.
It also helps to enlist help. Lean on your family and friends, especially if you have helped them in the past.
We outline how to live with a broken arm until it’s healed.
Adopt a Positive Mindset
The effects of a positive mindset remain well-documented. It helps the days come and go faster. Plus, you’re less likely to fall into depression over your situation.
Bones must heal at their pace. If you have discomfort, your doctor might prescribe medications. Medications coupled with a broken limb can create a health disaster.
For example, you might lean on medications to feel better. All prescriptions have side effects. In addition, they have addictive additives. The same is true for over-the-counter medicines.
Thus, only take the medications as directed by your physician. Then, look at your situation in a positive light. The six to eight weeks will come and go before you know it.
Maintaining a positive mindset is tough if you can’t earn an income. If your injury was not your fault, you could try to collect damages. Contact legal professionals who can provide more guidance.
Keep Your Doctor’s Appointments
Once you injure a limb, remnants of your injury will remain with you forever. As you age, you might feel the damage during cold weather.
To optimize the healing process, keep your doctor’s appointments. Then, give your physician updates on your condition. Your doctor can provide tips to help heal the bones. For example, the physician might ask you to change your diet or participate in physical activity.
The exact treatment plan varies for every patient. Nonetheless, doctors aim to ensure that the injured arm sets correctly. Then, they aim to minimize lifelong discomfort that could turn into a chronic condition.
Enlist Help
People benefit from living by the Golden Rule, because one day, they might need help. Your friends and family are more likely to help you through this period if you have helped them in the past.
You’ll figure out how to cook, groom, and complete essential tasks with practice. However, you’ll still experience limitations.
Enlisting help allows you to fill in gaps, especially in the beginning.
Your friends and family can leave ready-to-heat casseroles in your refrigerator and freezer. They can also move things so that you can reach them, such as glasses, dinnerware, and your clothes.
Make Yourself Comfortable
Dealing with a broken limb is much easier in 2022 than it was 50 years ago. The medical device sector manufactures pillows that elevate the limb during sleep and while sitting down.
If you help the arm heal correctly, it can feel like you never injured it once the cast comes off.
In addition, pick up some cast covers. The doctor will emphasize the importance of keeping it dry when you shower, brush your teeth, or wash your face.
Other tools exist for this situation too. For example, if you feel an itch you can’t ignore, retailers sell devices that help you reach it and find relief.
Arm rehabilitation will take place after the cast comes off. However, you still want to exercise the rest of your body. Exercise will help keep your spirits up. Plus, physical activity will keep your legs, back, and shoulders strong.
As your arm continues healing, talk with your doctor about rehabilitation. Establish how it’s going to occur. For example, you can go to the local gym and perform exercises on your own. The other option is to hire a physical therapist who will guide you.
Very few people will state that it’s fun injuring an arm. If it happens to you, look on the bright side of the situation. A positive mindset will help the time flow faster. Enlisting the help of family and friends will make completing essential tasks easier. Then, prepare yourself to rehabilitate it to prevent lifelong discomfort.