Improving the Kerb Appeal of Your Auckland Home – 5 Tips

In New Zealand, the term ‘Kerb Appeal’ refers to the attractiveness of a house and its front garden when viewed from the street. Having a good kerb appeal makes your home look welcoming and increases its value on the market. If you’re trying to sell your home, know that people often make their opinions within the first few minutes (or even seconds) of arriving at your property.

Consequently, we’ve compiled five ways to improve the kerb appeal of your home!

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Start with the front door – The front door makes a huge statement and should be inviting and fresh looking. Consider giving it a lick of paint in an eye-catching colour, such as red or blue – this will make guests feel welcomed before they even step inside your home. If the front door is beaten and old, it won’t set the right tone for those who come to view the property.

Polish up the windows – Cleaning the windows is one of the most important jobs when it comes to improving kerb appeal. A sparkling window will help make your home look brighter and more inviting. Make sure you use a good-quality glass cleaner for a streak-free finish, and add some extra sparkle with a specialist product like WD40 Multi-Use Product which can also be used on frames and sills for extra shine.

Clean up the front lawn – Whether you need to clean up a few leaves or get full rubbish removal in Auckland, keeping the front lawn tidy is essential for making a good impression. Add a few plants or shrubs to your garden for extra colour and texture – these can also provide a nice backdrop if you’re trying to take photographs of the property.

Fix any broken fence panels – If your fence panels are looking tired and saggy, it pays to replace them – this will instantly give your home a fresh, new look. Furthermore, you may want to consider adding some trellis or lattice for extra privacy and decoration.

Add a few features – Lastly, adding a few decorative touches to your front garden can really help to improve the kerb appeal of your home. A couple of lanterns or a bird bath could make all the difference – these items can also provide extra lighting, which can be especially helpful for those who view your home after dark.

Putting in a little effort to improve the kerb appeal of your house is definitely worth it – not only will it help attract potential buyers, but it’s also sure to give you and your family plenty of joy. So, take the time to put these tips into practice – you won’t regret it. With the right improvements, you could even recuperate your cost in the additional selling price.

Impressing All Potential Home Viewers

Nobody wants to wait for months on end to find a buyer – and the best way to make sure your home sells fast is by having a good kerb appeal. When potential buyers come to view your home, you want them to be impressed. When done right, improving kerb appeal can do just that. You’ll not only create a fantastic first impression but also put yourself in an advantageous position when it comes time for negotiations.

With these tips, you can make sure your home has the highest possible kerb appeal and attracts plenty of potential buyers. If you’re looking to sell your house fast and at a good price, don’t forget to make some improvements to its exterior – it’s sure to pay off!

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.