Facebook advertising has several advantages for local businesses and can be a powerful marketing tool. Targeted ads and local business pages are available for any size business, and there are several marketing and advertising tools available through Facebook.
Facebook Business Page
Each business can create a business page on Facebook that allows for different interactions than a regular profile does. This allows for posting that does not come from a personal page or include any personal information, makes the business searchable, and encourages people to like and follow the page for updates and interactions. Posts can be made from the page and to the page, and they are able to join groups and to post in community groups or on community pages. Sharing on these pages is fast and easy, and people on the social media platform can easily share their favorite posts, information, sales, and pictures. Using Facebook as a way to advertise often leads to the customers and followers doing a lot of the advertising for the business, and a business page is free for anyone to create. Having this page also allows for there to be paid advertisements as well.
Facebook Paid Advertising
King Kong’s Facebook advertising services allows for an image to be attached, links back to the page, and can have contact and website information included. For events, there can be ticket sales, sales can be advertised, and ads can link back to an online store. There is a payment option that makes it affordable, but there are also many controls that can target specific audiences for the ads to ensure they are seen by the right people and will bring the highest return on investment. Choose any age group, location, and how far from that location people should live to see your ad. These controls are very useful for any small business to ensure that they get the most from their investment. Settings also allow for a spending limit to be created, and the ad will stop running when that amount has been reached.
Free Facebook Advertising Tools
Facebook business pages and groups are great sources for free advertising for any local business. They can join local groups, or they can form groups to bring attention to their business as well as other local businesses. When a few businesses are able to work together to create events or to cross-market, they are able to improve the exposure of all of the companies that are included, and they will reach people who are in their local area. By focusing on local areas rather than nationwide advertising, a physical location is more likely to find increased foot traffic, and new customers will go to see what the new business is about. Home businesses are also able to use all of these tools, including the business pages, community advertising, marketing groups, and paid ads, to improve their own visibility and traffic in the community.