Moving to Europe: Things you should know before moving

Moving to Europe can be expensive, but it can also be done on a tight budget if necessary. Your costs will vary depending on where you are going to live and how long it takes you to find a job once you arrive. If you are shipping items for your new home, it will be more expensive; If you are going out with your belongings in one suitcase, it will be cheaper. Slovakia is an inland country of Central Europe. It is one of the 26 Schengen. It joins the EU and NATO at the same time in the world. It is rich in tourism resources and also an important connection of east and west in Europe. But can Americans really move to Europe? The answer is Yes. 

How Can A US Citizen Move To Europe?

U.S. citizens prefer moving to Europe due to work and starting a new page of life. This transfers them abroad and makes their European dream come true. If you are considering business immigration, there are companies that can make it easy. 

U.S. citizens can travel and roam around most parts of the European countries for the course of 90 to 180 days with a tourist visa, but if you prefer for a long term move to Europe, there are certain things that you must keep in your mind, as your long-term visa is the ticket for your European call. 

Visa is too important

Choosing the perfect suitable visa for you is too important. It depends on what you want to do if you want to move to Europe for higher studies, work, starting a business, or retire. It’s a matter of knowing which visa option is the best one for you.

Which countries you can move to?

An American can move to 44 European countries, including Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Germany, and Estonia. These countries are the most popular due to their low cost of living, cultures and high quality of lifestyle. These countries also offer Americans friendly service of visa options that are renewable and can easily lead to permanent citizenship.

Get your finances straight?

Ask yourself a couple of questions. Can you afford to move to a different country at this point in time? Do you have enough savings to keep the flow for the coming months? If yes, then it is great. You need to develop a strong understanding of your finances and deeply figure how much your wallets will bear in your move to your desired country. Increase your savings by the time, and plan to make earning as soon as you make the move.

Get your visa application ready

You will surely know that without a visa, no country will grant you to step on their land. Applying for a visa requires a number of different documents which you should have. 

Get yourself an international moving service

Don’t leave your precious belongings at a place where your return is not guaranteed for the next 5 to 6 years. Contact an international moving service and they will help you with moving all your belongings to the new country. After all, no one wants to leave their precious things, as everything has a story and history connected to it.

Can you move to Europe with a travel ban?

European nations accept visa applications from U.S. residents despite their travel ban. European governments can change their application acknowledgment and endorsement whenever. It’s ideal to check with the nearby Embassy of the country you intend to move to ask about the current circumstance.

Do you need to pay taxes in both U.S and Europe?

As a citizen of America, your overall pay is subjected to U.S. income tax, regardless of where you live. Contingent upon which country you live in and how long of the year you live there, you might be viewed as a nearby expense inhabitant. Around there, you will be needed to document changes in the two nations. Make certain to discover a legal counselor or bookkeeper who is knowledgeable in the particularities of ex-pat charges.

Is Europe’s healthcare service expensive than the US?

The answer is no. Almost every country in Europe has the best healthcare facilities in the world which are cheaper than that of the US. 

Advantages of moving to a European country

  • Perfect Welfare
  • Excellent quality of life
  • Perfect living environment
  • Excellent education and health care system
  • No language requirement
  • Visa-free in all Schengen countries
  • Visa can be applied for the whole family

Do you need to learn the local language for visa application?

No, English is a universal language, and it does not affect your visa application if you cannot speak the local language of a country. But since you are moving to a new country, its local language is something you must strongly learn for a better experience in the country.

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