Earning money and spending it is very easy. Even a child can do it. You can do a job, make good use of your skills, and earn a large sum of money in no time. But saving money is always a difficult thing to do. It not only requires you to let go of spending too much, but also to not buy things that you can survive without possessing. Apart from that, it takes a lot of consistency and hard work to maintain your savings and the habit of not spending money on things that you do not want.
To get this done, there are several apps and software that can help you have a clear picture of your bank account and the amount of money you should save. Also, many of these apps can help you know your monthly spending and a monthly review of your income statement that can help you know which expenses you should decrease or remove from your budget and save more money. One of the ways is to use Cox cable packages that are very affordable and don’t become a burden on you. But first, you need to have the motivation to stay consistent with your saving habits. These habits can include the following
- Pre-plan your meal
- Stop having coffee or food at a restaurant
- Use cable TV, internet and home phone bundles
- Only buy things that you need
- Try car-pooling with a friend
- Use a bicycle to go to work
To keep you motivated you can these amazing quotes and stay motivated on your saving motivation regime:
Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving. (Warren Buffett)
Warren Buffet is one of the richest men in the world and has ruled the Wall Street for a considerable amount of time. He is considered to be one of the people one can rely on when it comes to managing money and finances. According to him, it is not a wise move that you save money that you are left at the end of the month after spending enough on things that you do not want and not managing your spending easily. A good practice is that you should have a look at your income and make sure that you take away a specific amount of money in the beginning and do this every month so that you can multiply your savings on the go. Also, you can increase this amount as your income increases so that you have a sufficient amount of money in your bank account when you need it.
Never spend your money before you have it. (Thomas Jefferson)
Thomas Jefferson was one of an American statesmen and the Founding Father of America who also served as the 3rd American president and the 2nd Vice President of America. Apart from that, he was a great thinker and philosopher as well. According to him, it is a wise practice to make sure that you have an idea of your income and expenses so that you can make calculated decisions and make sure that you do not deviate from your savings and don’t spend too much. Apart from that, this will also help you avoid making commitments with people who you owe some amount as well.
You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
This is a very wise quote for people who find it relatively difficult to take the first step towards saving money and making sure that you cultivate a habit of doing so for a long time. Saving money is a continuous process that requires you to take a step for yourself and don’t think about the journey. You will reach your destination with leaps and bounds eventually. Yes, there will be difficult times and times that will require you to struggle a lot. All you need to think about is your goals.
Many people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the same with their time. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Many people in the world feel the need to spend money like anything and they spend without keeping in mind their limitations and limited resources. At the end of the day, they end up having less or no money left in their bank account. The same thing happens to their time as well. People spend time on pointless things and end up having closed deadlines that make them lose a lot of stuff in life. So one should spend their money and time wisely.
Final Thoughts All these people share a simple philosophy of saving money, time and energy and make sure that you spend all of them wisely. Apart from that, it always wise to make things manageable for yourself and spend your resources keeping one rule in mind: that money, time and life are limited and should be spent wisely.