Split Your PDF: How to Separate Large PDFs for Better Document Management

You may have modified a PDF document at some point by either extracting a specific page or a set of pages into a separate PDF file, deleting a page, or moving pages around. Nowadays, all digital users’ primary concern is to extract a diverse set of pages from a separate PDF document or alter the order of several portable document pages.

Fortunately, with advancements in technology and a few clicks of the mouse, individuals can now produce highly refined files. One of the useful features is the ability to manipulate multiple documents into a single coherent PDF file. However, finding the right tools to do the process is quite challenging. With that, read on below to learn more about the procedure.

Splitting PDF Documents With Viable Online Tools

Either you are a publisher, a student, or an employee, all individuals have been able to recognize the relevance of PDF. The reason that makes it popular among all other formats is due to its file-sharing ability. The transmission of information over the web is easy with PDF, as it retains the original document layout and maintains the security of the documents.

Moreover, if you desire to forward information online, learning how to use split PDF file converters will be necessary. If you transfer a large file, it will take a lot of time to finish, and their chances of getting corrupted will be high. With this, what will be the necessary step to take? There are different PDF splitters like PDFBear that will help you segregate large files.

Conveniently Split PDF Documents Using PDFBear

There are many reasons as to why you demand to divide portable documents into individual pages. Whatever the motives may be, PDFBear will help you obtain the desired output you want in just a few taps. This online platform is a 100% trusted, secured, and free cloud-based website that provides a Split PDF tool and other essential features for your files.

Due to its easy-to-follow and effective methods, you can’t doubt why PDFBear is regarded as the best online PDF provider by thousands of digital users around the world. Individuals are now becoming dependent on its services to aid for their numerous electronic document concerns. If you need to employ its Split PDF feature, follow these steps to start the process:

  1. Select the PDFs from your file storage and forward them to the platform toolbox to begin the process. Or you can also take advantage of the “Select File” button for a sufficient upload. 
  2. From there, the Split PDF tool will scan your files immediately. Once portable document pages are shown on the website, you can select which pages you ought to separate from the others by clicking on them.
  3. Once the pages have been selected, tap “Refine Pages” to export them into an individual page. The process is simple and will be finished quickly. If you have chosen the wrong pages, you are allowed to initiate the procedure again, and it will not impact the production process.
  4. It will only take 1-2 minutes, depending on the stability of your internet connection and the file’s size so wait for the method to end processing. Once finished, the website will generate a download link for you to save the file and share it through various channels and file storage. 

Protect Your PDF Files After Doing the Split PDF Process 

A student, a professional presenter, and any other individuals usually add some password to their portable documents before sending them to the other party or clients so that all of their hard work in creating and modifying files is private and can only be access with those digital users who they granted permission to. 

After you have divided your documents into individual pages, you can set up a secret key to your records. Using the Protect PDF option under PDFBear’s PDF security, you can now input a password on your various confidential PDF documents once done separating the pages. After that, you can download the protected file to your computer and view it in your browser.

Installation of Software or Applications Are No Longer Needed

One of the most vital modern conveniences of PDFBear is its exceptional accessibility. Any individual will never worry about waiting long hours to install massive applications and software to manipulate the features available. Given that PDFBear is an online platform, you can freely work in sync with PDFBear, without worrying about security and compatibility.


Now, by reading this article, you have received an excellent brief introduction to the benefits of Portable Document Format files and why you should split the PDF pages. Although the only feature mentioned is how you can split PDF files, when you visit the PDFBear website, you will discover more tools for all your document needs. So employ PDFBear now!

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