Having a child in your life is the most crucial decision. While it is an easy process to conceive for some people, there are plenty of others who have to choose an alternative path.
These days, PCOS and other reproductive problems are pretty common in adults due to their unhealthy lifestyles or genetics. People even try to change their lifestyle to bring a child into their lives.
One of the most preferred fertility treatments is IVF treatment. It is a trusted method that has been widely accepted for over a decade. The basic idea behind the treatment is to unite the sperm and egg outside the human body.
But that’s not just about how the process is done. There is a lot that happens before and after this process. To know the step-by-step details of the IVF process, you can scroll down and read further.
What is IVF used for?
IVF is a standard procedure used in cases where couples have difficulty conceiving naturally. The most common instances in which people take support of IVF are:
- When men have low sperm count, resulting in low chances of fertility
- Older couples facing fertility issues
- Women with reproductive disorders such as PCOS
- Women with blocked fallopian tubes
What is the process of completing IVF treatment?
There are all five steps in which you complete the IVF procedure. When you consult a fertility specialist, they will guide you through the entire process. For now, you can read further to get an overview of what happens when you opt for IVF.
Step 1: Consuming drugs to boost egg production
The fertility specialist will prescribe you some drugs that contain Follicle Stimulating Hormone to boost egg production in your body. It is known as superovulation, according to the National Institute of Health.
It is the most crucial step in the IVF process because it increases the chances of fertility later. The more eggs your body produces, the greater the chances of fertilizing in further steps.
Further, you will have several blood tests and ultrasound sessions to monitor how your hormones and ovaries perform.
Step 2: Carefully remove the eggs
Just a day before you are due to release eggs from your body, you’ll get injected with a hormone shot that will allow the egg to mature quickly. A small and quick surgical procedure will be conducted to remove the egg from your body carefully.
It is an ultrasound procedure in which the doctor inserts a needle attached with a device to each of your ovaries to suction the eggs out of your body.
Step 3: Collection of sperm from the donor
Your partner or the sperm donor will have to submit their sperm, further going under a wash and spin process. The fertility specialist will pick the healthiest sperms to conduct further treatment.
Step 4: Uniting the egg and sperm
The fertilizing process or insemination is conducted in a lab and is kept under observation. The doctor will directly inject the sperm into the egg to get fertilized quickly. This process will take some time, and you have to wait patiently until then.
Step 5: Transfer and placement of the embryo
After you have released eggs from your body, you will still be kept under observation to ensure that your uterus lines are healthy and ready to transfer the embryo.
After five to seven days post-fertilization, the doctor will conduct a minor procedure to place multiple embryos inside your body. You must be wondering why not one but many embryos are placed inside the body. Well, this is done to increase the chances of successful fertilization.
So, make an appointment at a trusted fertility center near you, and take the first step towards the journey of motherhood.
Author Bio:
Ester Adams is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.