Your eyes perform a significant function to help visualize objects within your vicinity. Short-sightedness or long-sightedness can affect your vision because you might have difficulty visualizing things, requiring the help of an expert. A Bronx optometrist will examine your eyes to check for abnormalities and provide management strategies for your condition.
They will prescribe medications for your condition and corrective eyewear if necessary. Common eye conditions include glaucoma, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, corneal scars, macular degeneration, and eye tumors.
The tips to improve your eyesight
The following are useful tips to incorporate into your daily life to improve your eyesight.
Limit screen time
A lot of screen time can negatively affect your eyes because of the light electronic devices emit. You should use smartphones, tablets, televisions, and laptops for a limited time and give your eyes time to rest. Minimize the time you spend on your devices, especially immediately before bed. Stop using screens at least one hour before bedtime to get quality sleep.
Exercise regularly
Engaging in regular exercises, like aerobic activities, can improve your eyesight by preventing the occurrence of intraocular pressure. Physical exercises will strengthen and tone your eye muscles, equipping them with the ability to withstand stress and strain. Consider eye-specific exercises to increase vision focus and ward off conditions like retinopathy.
Eat a balanced diet
Your eyes need nutritious meals to remain strong, healthy and focused. Nutrients like lutein and vitamin A will help improve the health of your cornea and retina. Foods to include in your diet are liver, eggs, carrots, green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, and sweet potatoes.
Manage chronic illnesses
If you have chronic conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure, consider managing them to avoid affecting your eyesight. High blood pressure can affect your eyes by damaging the small blood vessels, leading to double vision or vision loss. Diabetes will also damage your eye blood vessels and can block blood flow in your eyes.
Wear protective eyewear
If you love the outdoors or your work involves the possibility of an eye injury, you should wear protective eyewear to protect your face and eyes. For example, if you are a carpenter or welder or work in construction, you will need protective goggles to protect your eyes. The goggles will prevent flying and harmful particles from entering your eyes. When you are out sunbathing, consider wearing sunglasses.
Attend regular eye checkups
Regular eye exams can help your optometrist detect eye conditions early enough to start treatment. Your specialist can diagnose eye diseases early before the situation adversely affects your eyes. Comprehensive eye exams can detect an eye problem even if your eyes are not exhibiting any symptoms. Talk to your doctor about how often you should have eye checkups.
If you experience blurry vision or dark spots in your sight, visit Bainbridge Eye Care for treatment. The highly qualified optometrists will evaluate your symptoms and medical history before creating an individualized treatment plan. Call or schedule your appointment online to improve your eyesight.