Technology is evolving every day due to this it is important to follow the latest trends. Most of the trends are technologically driven through the web. There are some of the web development trends that have been used years ago but today also they are still in use. You can take help from Web Development Company to stay up to date with these trends.
Now, let’s take a closer look at the top web development trends that are followed in 2020.
Trend #1: Python and JavaScript

For web development, a programming language is a kind of skin and bones. The common languages are Python and JavaScript. JavaScript is the most recognizable and used one although; Python is now giving tough competition to JavaScript.
JavaScript is the object-oriented programming language that is used for creating web pages. Whereas Python is a high level and an interpreted programming language that makes use of various web applications from different websites like YouTube, Instagram, and other cloud platforms. For indepth learning and competitive job opportunities, you can undergo some python training which could create a huge impact on your resume.
The features offered like better designing language makes your work very easy and quick along with it the ability to a standard library compared with the JavaScript increase the significance of python. It is expected that python will keep on growing and will beat JavaScript in 2020.
There are also content management systems, by which it comes very easy to create websites or you can contact hubspot, wordpress website design company and more for professional services. The examples for content management systems are Hubspot, wix, wordpress and more.
Trend #2: Single Page Application
A single page application is an application that works within the browser and also minimizes the requirement of reloading. This is one page that is visited and with the assistance of JavaScript, one can load all the content.
Single page application reduces the waiting time for the visitor and it is easily accessible for example Facebook, Gmail, and Google Maps.
The advantage that business can have by using a single page application is an adaptable layout, high speed, relevant, important details, better conversions, and easy to operate.
With the help of the advantages, single page application is the web development trend that has the potential to grow even more.
Trend #3: Progressive Web Applications
A progressive web application is a web application that takes assistance from the modem features to deliver the exact app experience. So the users have the advantage of all the prospects even without downloading that specific application. This progressive web application is for the organization and companies that don’t have enough opportunities and funds to invest in different mobile applications.
The examples of a progressive web application are Pinterest, Forbes, AliExpress, and OLX.
Five Reasons why business prefers investing in a progressive web application:
- Offline Mode: If you work in offline mode then the user can browse even if there is no internet connection. If not using the application then the user has to leave the platform.
- Security: PWA uses the HTTP protocol that will help the user to keep their information safe from hackers while browsing.
- Speed: Server pressure is reduced if the loading time is fast. The web app will not abate or crash even if there is intensive traffic on the website.
- Updates: You can update or fix any problem without even the need for any Web Development Services. It also provides regular system update.
- User Engagement: With the help of a user-generated idea, you can observe consumer behavior and the latest trends. Due to this, consumers will see the things in which they are interested.
Trend #4: Push Notifications
The purpose of using push notification is to improve consumer engagement. They send regular messages, news, personalized offers, and a reminder to reach out to the audience. You can also integrate the action buttons in the notifications. Due to this, the user can cooperate with the website without going back to that specific web page.
People know about the push notification from the different applications they use on the mobile phone. But now, you can follow the same concept through your web browser and the browser that you have installed on your smartphones. With this trend, you can get a tailored notification for your web activity.
The users have to give their approval to get the notification as there is no need for installations. After this, the user will get the push notification without any specific application.
Trend #5: 5G Connectivity

The regulator of cellular communication has approved the 5G technology in December 2017, Lisbon. This year is considered to be the boom for the 5th generation mobile network. 5G will serve increasing communication needs and expand globally on the billions of devices all across the world.
With the expansion of the 5G network, you will get 100x fast internet speed as compared to the normal 4G. 5G not only includes high motion but also has improved UX that makes it the super-advanced technology for the organizations.
Trend #6: Cloud Computing

If you are facing recurring issues with the internal storage then it can be resolved with the help of cloud computing. The top cloud computing platforms are Dropbox, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. With the help of cloud computing, the remote servers will provide the storage space to help the seamless functioning for any specific app that can be downloaded without affecting the device internal memory. The cloud development trend has improved the focus on hybrid operations and multi-cloud.
The development of multi-cloud and cloud computing has several advantages like:
- Mobility: it is the possibility of using the data and files at any place and time through your device.
- Security of Data: with the help of cloud computing, you can backup your data that will help in protecting the data from losing it.
- Accessibility: you can have access to the data easily through the use of the internet. Along with it, you can also transfer the files securely and fast.
- Cost Reducing: cloud computing requires less installation of equipment and maintenance that will help in reducing the operational cost.
Trend #7: Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots

You can consider artificial intelligence as an imitation of human intelligence that is expressed in the form of algorithms and machines. They are programmed with the ability to act and think like humans. The goals of AI are perception, learning, and reasoning. But, now there are many applications available that can analyze data, recognizing the voice and behavior.
Artificial Intelligence examples have surrounded us in our daily routine also. The top examples are smart home robots, Google Assistant, and Siri. Another superb example is Netflix’s high developed function as through this function you can analyze and track consumer interaction with every movie. According to it, you can suggest consumers with choices based on the analyses.
Trend #8: Blockchain
The appearance of blockchain technology was in 2009. This technology is used in cryptocurrencies like Litecoin, bitcoin, and libra. It is also used for non-financial purposes like an interplanetary file system that makes use of the blockchain to link the files over the internet.
From 2009 till now, there has been a remarkable difference in blockchain technology and it will continue to grow indeed.
Trend #9: Cybersecurity

In this digital world, there are more devices than people. For this, there is a requirement of the cybersecurity system that will help to protect important data, programs, networks, and devices.
To use cybersecurity, you can take assistance from the Web Development Company they will help to install the system to protect all your information and network. The world we live in is becoming more digitized, the attackers have also been more innovative. Therefore, one might face serious damage.
Trend #10: Augmented and Virtual Reality
Virtual reality is the simulation of reality which is a computer-generated that the audience can accept as the real environment. Whereas the augmented reality is when the user views the real world through the 3D model, superimposed computer images, and videos. There have been notable differences in AR and VR and also have the potential for development in the coming years. It brings up the digital and physical world altogether by compiling the 3D computer-generated images along with the real-world topics.
Here are some other web development trends that you will face in 2020.
- With the help of a 5G network, you will get the opportunity to stream AR and VR from the cloud.
- Virtual reality will be increased by healthcare. This technology will be used to treat patients with phobias and anxiety disorders. They will also help people with autism to develop social and communicable skills.
- There will be an improvement in the educational experience as the students who are studying distantly will get the chance to learn in the cooperative team according to the environment.
You should keep in mind that web development trends are evolving continuously. This is why it is crucial to stay up to date and adapt to the changing environment. You can get all the updates if you hire wordpress experts as they have proper knowledge regarding the trends going on in the market.