TOP-3 Ways to Make Your Instagram Page Thrive in 2023

Promotion in social networks is not an easy and rather long process. Moreover, many novice bloggers don’t even realize what ways to attract an audience and improve social authority they can use in their strategy. Social networks are changing rapidly, which is why it is so difficult to become more famous here; you should always be in this area to develop and improve. Today there are quite a few ways to promote, but not all of them are truly effective and can bring the desired result.

The competition is growing every day, and this worries newcomers the most, many of them are sure that in 2023 it is unlikely to succeed and become a popular creator. There is little truth in this: yes, there is a lot of competition, but by making efforts and gradually investing in an account, you’ll be able to stand out from the crowd. In this article we’ll tell you about 3 proven and simple ways of promotion that will help you grow and form a loyal audience. 

Using paid PR services

There is nothing more important on social platforms than excellent statistics. It has been proven that people trust and interact with those bloggers who have already proved their worth and create a positive first impression. But that’s not all – good statistical indicators are also needed in order for the network algorithm to recognize your content as interesting and send it to trends. All this together will help your page grow much faster and more efficiently.

We would recommend that you focus not only on the number of likes, comments and followers, but also on other aspects. For example, you can buy Instagram story poll votes, views for clips, saves, and more. This way you’ll make your promotion comprehensive and reliable, developing more organically and naturally.

Collaborations with other bloggers

Insta has everything for creating joint content and promoting it. Now users trust the opinion of influencers much more than targeted ads. They’re more likely to subscribe to those who are advised by other people. This means that you, as a novice creator, can increase your awareness in the thematic community by using the opportunities of collaborations. All you need to do is find a novice niche blogger, be active on his page and write to the DM, offering to cooperate on mutually beneficial terms. You can also describe several ideas for promotion at once (contests, joint live, and so on).

Don’t seek to immediately get consent from a creator with a large audience. You’d understand that your statistics should be approximately the same; this is the main principle of collaborations. If everything goes well, you’ll instantly expand your fan base and feel more competitive, having an advantage over other newcomers.

Focus on video content

Many users still believe that this platform was created only for text posts, selfies and images. This is not the case; today the creators are focusing on video. Reels and IGTV are the trend of the last few years, these formats are loved by users and become popular much more often than texts and photos. Fill your feed of posts with funny short clips and interesting long ones too, so that the algorithms start loving you. It doesn’t matter what niche you choose: expert, entertainment, training, and so on. Video formats are used by everyone, and it really brings great results. Good luck!

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.