Those who seek quiet companionship should consider buying a Persian. They love to lay around and enjoy relaxing and get along well with other family members, including cats. Although Persians are predisposed to ocular and dental issues, this can be managed with regular checkups and a proper diet. Reputable breeders screen their adult cats for polycystic kidney disease, characterized by cysts on the organ.
They’re Low-Maintenance
Persian kittens make delightful companions due to their low-maintenance nature. Their luxurious long fur, while stunning, requires minimal grooming compared to other long-haired breeds. With their calm demeanor, they adapt well to indoor living, making them well-suited for apartment life. These kittens are generally content to lounge and observe their surroundings, requiring less active playtime than some more energetic breeds. Their independent nature means they don’t demand constant attention, allowing for a harmonious coexistence with busy lifestyles. Despite their regal appearance, Persian kittens are surprisingly undemanding, making them an ideal choice for those seeking a charming and low-maintenance feline friend. The Persian cat loves attention, but she won’t demand it. She’s content to lounge around the house and enjoy family and visitors’ admiration.
The breed can get overweight if you give them too much food or feed them measured meals instead of filling up the bowl all the time (free feeding). Maintaining your Persian’s optimal weight will help prevent obesity-related health issues such as diabetes and heart disease.
They’re Healthy
Although Persians are calm and loving cats, they can suffer from some health conditions. Specifically, their flat faces can cause various respiratory problems, from snoring to difficulty breathing. Reputable breeders screen a Persian kitten for this condition, called brachycephaly, and ensure that their kittens don’t have the trait as well. Another health concern that affects Persians is their short noses, which can cause narrowed airways and make it difficult to exercise or tolerate heat. It’s essential to keep up with a Persian cat’s exercise needs and encourage their natural foraging and scratching behaviors by placing them near vertical and horizontal scratchers.
A Persian’s docile nature makes them suitable for families, and they’re usually patient and tolerant of boisterous children. That said, a Persian will likely start to get depressed if they don’t have a human with whom to cuddle or play.
They’re Adaptable
Persians are laid back and often stretch out in their favorite spot, enjoying petting or a good cuddle. They also tend to be less aggressive towards children than other breeds and can tolerate some gentle play behavior. Because of their calm nature, these beautiful cats are an excellent choice for families with young children. However, they must be groomed regularly because they have such long, luscious fur. This is especially important as it helps to prevent mats and tangles, which can be very painful for a cat. As well as daily grooming, Persians may require regular dental care (toothbrush and floss) and cleaning of their ears. These ear canals can become obstructed with wax or debris, which leads to infections and hearing loss. Because of their small nostrils, Persian cats are also prone to respiratory problems. They may develop nasal polyps, which can obstruct the sinuses and ear canal and lead to imbalances, breathing difficulties, and a foul smell in their ears. This is another reason all pets must see their veterinarian for annual checkups.
They’re Friendly
A Persian may be the perfect pet for you if you want a companion who loves to sit and observe you watching TV or reading on the couch. They are quiet cats who love to be close to their people and can tolerate the noise and commotion of a household with kids. Persians enjoy lying beside or on top of kids and observing their actions rather than playing with them. As with all cats, Persians need annual visits to the veterinarian. These visits allow the veterinarian to detect health issues in their earliest stages when they are easier to treat. This is especially important with Persians, prone to eye and dental problems due to their flat faces and short jaws. In addition, regular brushing helps to reduce hairballs and other digestive issues.
They’re Easy to Train
Persians may be unable to run up draperies or scale bookcases like other breeds, but they love playing, especially with toys. They’re also surprisingly calm for such a large breed and enjoy the company of human family members, even dogs. As kittens, they need to learn to submit to their grooming, which can be challenging, as Persians tend to bite the hands that comb them. Discourage this behavior by teaching your kitten to rest quietly when brushed, she adds. These lovely cats also enjoy playtime, but you should be careful not to overdo it because of their heavier weights. If they get too tired, they could be at risk for joint problems. You can encourage their activity levels by introducing toys that mimic their natural hunting roots, such as wands or string pouncing games. You can also recycle everyday household items into fun cat toys, such as making a cat tunnel from a paper towel tube or a two-holey sock.