Type 3 Diabetes: How is it related to Alzheimer’s and what are the Causes?

Type 3 diabetes is a term that is used in research these days to look into the causes of Alzheimer’s disease. Some scientists use this term because they believe that the dysregulation of insulin in the brain can actually cause dementia.

However, still, Type 3 diabetes is not a term used medically or officially declared to be a health condition. On the other hand, some researchers use this term to describe pancreatogenic diabetes as well. No matter what it is, you can always trust ayurvedic medicine for diabetes to have a healthy life.

What is Type 3 diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a kind of health condition when the body has some difficulties in converting sugar into energy. Usually, you can find three types of diabetes.

  1. Type 1 Diabetes

It is a chronic health issue where the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin hormone. Thus, the blood sugar level of the person’s body becomes much higher than usual.

  1. Type 2 Diabetes

This is another health issue, where the body develops resistance to insulin hormone and the blood sugar level rises.

  1. Type 3 Diabetes

This is usually used to describe the cause of Alzheimer’s disease as this type of diabetes can cause dementia. Type 3 diabetes transpires when the neurons are unable to respond to insulin, and insulin is responsible for basic tasks such as learning and memory.

What is the link between diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease?

Some researchers suggest that Alzheimer’s disease may be triggered by the resistance of insulin in the brain.

As time passes, if diabetes is left untreated or even if treatment is delayed, it can cause damage to your blood vessels, including the vessels of the brain, and can harm your brain health.

So, people who have Type2 diabetes have a higher risk of having brain issues if they remain undiagnosed. Hence, it’s better to treat diabetes effectively with the help of ayurvedic medicine for diabetes.

Diabetes can also produce chemical imbalances within the brain, which may be the cause of Alzheimer’s. Moreover, high blood sugar may lead to inflammation, which may result in damaging brain cells.

Causes and symptoms of Type 3 diabetes

According to several studies, people with Type3 diabetes may be near about 60 percent more likely to have Alzheimer’s or vascular dementia.

Several causes of having Type 3 diabetes are:

  • Often misplacing things.
  • Loss of memory may affect social interactions and everyday life.
  • Sudden changes in attitude, personality, or demeanor.
  • Reduced ability to make judgments.
  • Trouble in resolving problems.

The risk factors of Type 3 diabetes

The potential risk factors of developing Type 3 diabetes are:

  • Exposure to excessive stress
  • Lack of activities, mainly physical activities
  • Family history
  • Genetics
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Birth weight and many more

How to diagnose Type 3 diabetes?

There is no special test to diagnose Type 3 diabetes. However, Alzheimer’s is usually diagnosed on the basis of:

  • Medical history
  • Conducting a neurological examination
  • Difficulty in carrying out the usual and familiar tasks
  • Withdrawal from social work and activities
  • Trouble in understanding spoken and written language
  • Conducting neurophysiological testing

Your medical expert will ask you several questions regarding your specific symptoms and family history.

Therefore, ayurvedic medicine for diabetes is very effective in curing the problems of diabetes at an early stage and avoiding having several harmful health issues.

Author Bio:

Ester Adams is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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