Why Is it Important to Recognize Your Invisible Employee? Top 5 Indicative Signs Of Addiction

Top 5 Indicative Signs Of Addiction


Addiction is a chronic or long-term brain disorder. It occurs when a person has to take a substance or a chemical more and more for the same kind of high, experience pleasure from it, and develop tolerance. 

Addictive substances also include behaviors that people compulsively use, such as gambling, sex, and over-eating.

Some of the signs of addiction are

  1. Inability to stop the behavior on one’s own without help, even if there is a will to do so

This inability to stop the behavior on one’s own without help can be seen in many addicts. They will often seek more and more of a substance or behavior even if they know that it harmed their relationships with other people, negatively affecting their mental health or physical health, making them do things they don’t want to do and making them engage in risky behaviors.

  1. Inability to control the behavior or continued engagement in it even when faced with negative consequences over and over again

It is another common sign of addiction. People who are addicts may experience negative consequences from their addictive behaviors such as getting into trouble at work, losing a job, breaking up a relationship, developing health problems, experiencing financial hardships because of spending too much money on the addictive substance or behavior, getting into legal trouble with law enforcement because of illegal use of an addictive substance, etc.

  1. Engaging in the addictive behavior more frequently

People addicted to a substance or behavior will engage in it more regularly than they did before. Even if they have had enough and are sick of it. Even when they know that engaging in their addiction puts them at risk of negative consequences, they will find themselves doing the addictive behavior over and over again.

  1. Finding that the addiction is interfering with daily activities and responsibilities

Addiction can cause someone to do less of their usual daily activities and responsibilities. For example, a person addicted to gambling would find that they keep on delaying work or schoolwork so that they have more time to gamble. A person addicted to alcohol would find that they keep on skipping work or school to drink. People who are addicted may also neglect other responsibilities such as taking care of children, maintaining a household, running errands, doing laundry, cooking meals, etc.

  1. Using the addictive substance or engaging in the addictive behavior even when it is dangerous for them to do so

In some cases, a person who is addicted will find themselves doing dangerous things, such as driving while under the influence of alcohol or engaging in unprotected sexual activities with strangers.

In other instances, they will keep engaging in their addiction even though it causes symptoms of an illness to worsen. For example, someone with emphysema who is addicted to cigarettes may continue smoking even though it exacerbates their breathing problems.

  1. People with addictions suffer at least one relapse before seeking help for their problem.

The relapse process may begin when the person stops using their drug or habit of choice,  or it may have started long before they stop.


It is advisable to enroll in a rehab centre or get help from counselors or therapists if you notice these signs.


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