5 Advanced Working Techniques for YouTube SEO to Get Higher Rank

YouTube is a well-known name with 400 hours of videos getting updated on it every minute and this figure is only going up. The obvious question that pops up now is how can one get content watched on a platform that is so crowded. And, the answer to this obvious question is that you will have to use the techniques for YouTube SEO to get noticed. Youtube subscribers is definitely a platform with limitless potential but only if your video gets noticed.

Here are a few of the advanced working techniques that a good digital marketing company in Delhi, Mumbai or anywhere else uses to optimize video content.

Use Keywords in the Title

Choosing the right video title is very important. It should match perfectly with the content in the video and should also be in line with the YouTube SEO algorithm. To find ideal keywords to be used in the title, you should consider YouTube’s auto-complete feature. This feature helps you understand what words people normally type to search for something on YouTube and Google and then you can accordingly optimize it.

Video Description

The right description of the content that is displayed in the video helps in boosting the search engine rankings. The techniques for YouTube SEO dictate that one should make use of the autocomplete keyword phrases from search engines in the description. If you make use of these phrases in the initial two lines of description, it brightens your chances of getting higher rankings.

Video File Naming

The next thing that a digital marketing company in Delhi or anywhere in the world will focus on to improve rankings is the naming of the video file. The search engines definitely don’t look inside the content and they do the picking based on some algorithm only. You need to name the file with the focused keyword so that the search algorithms understand what the video is about and pick it up when someone searches for it.

Closed Caption Feature Helps

The CC (Closed Caption) feature depicts the text over the video. This text not only helps in understanding the narration better but also can be translated into various languages. This YouTube SEO feature enhances its reach to more and more people.

Uploading the Transcript

Uploading the transcript is one of the effective techniques for YouTube SEO. It is nothing but the text version of whatever is there in the video. This transcript provides the YouTube’s search algorithm a much deeper information about the content in the video, which is otherwise provided in a limited way by the title, description etc. If your strategy involves allowing YouTube to create closed captioning, then it further elevates the rankings. This is because then the search algorithm is not dependent on the transcription is given by you alone.

The entire exercise of these SEO techniques is meant to make your video visible on the over-crowded platform. YouTube is today a huge marketplace only second to Google. Though YouTube’s algorithms are not as complex as those of Google, they are not simple too. The SEO companies keep coming up with strategies and tools to take into account all those things that can help with higher rankings of videos for their clients.


You need to make sure that once the viewer starts watching any particular video, he/she does not quit it in the first few seconds. If this happens, it leads to taking your ranking down. Thus, you need to make videos of good quality and with some unique content that can engage the viewers. Other than that, it is important to consider the factors that help in enhancing the ranking. This is important because if the video is not visible then all the efforts put into making good quality and unique content goes down the drain.

Author bio:

Micheal Anderson is a Digital marketing expert with Techmagnate in the Boston, USA. He has a great command over the various topics such as SEO, video marketing, PPC advertising, content marketing etc.

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