A Few Simple Ways to Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to stay in the present and focus our thoughts on what is happening in the now. Although it’s something we already have, it’s more readily available to us when we practice it daily. Whenever you bring awareness to what you’re experiencing through your senses, or to your state of mind through your thoughts and emotions, it means you’re being mindful.

The purpose of mindfulness is to wake up the inner workings of our emotional, mental, and physical processes. There are many ways to practice this state, and we’ll present a few that can help you achieve inner peace.

Practice gratitude

Gratitude is the art of being in appreciation of something and acknowledging the presence of it, whether it’s tangible or intangible. It’s important because it keeps us centered and grounded. Even in our darkest times, it reminds us that there are things to be thankful for, which leads us to a more positive state when things get tough. In addition, gratitude is prevalent in all religions, and some people think that believing in God enhances gratitude.

If you want to practice gratitude through religion you can choose a saint of the day to get you started. For example, St. Faustina was a nun who lived her life in gratitude. Some St Faustina facts reveal that she showed faith and gratitude even in times of darkness, stress, and uncertainty. Note that people believe that giving thanks leads to increased generosity, enthusiasm, health, sociability, and resiliency in the face of stress.

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is the secret to effective time management. If you want to beat procrastination and improve your focus, then you should try this technique. It is a great method to only focus and work on what matters without any distractions. It makes it easy to become more aware of what your time is wasted on and provides the right tools for you to pay attention to what matters most and be more mindful in life.

There are plenty of distractions in our modern-day lifestyle including constantly checking notifications, whether through our phones or computer. In addition, working from home has made it more difficult to focus since there are family members constantly distracting us so we lose track of time and what matters.

Focus and be aware of your surroundings

Focusing on the present instead of dwelling in the past or worrying about the future, we can become less susceptible to the negative wanderings of our minds. This can include absorbing and engaging all senses including sounds, tastes, emotions, temperature, and company. And as you move from one activity to another during your day, it might become difficult to stay mindful. You can get back on track by pausing throughout the day and practicing a couple of mindfulness exercises.

Simply focus on what’s happening around you, notice things like nature, traffic, people walking by, the wind in your hair. Find time for yourself like walking or hiking, and just focus on these simple things instead of filling your head with unnecessary worries and stressing yourself about something you cannot solve right away. This simple exercise will give you access to the world of mindfulness without having to read books or sit through meditations.

Breathe deeply and learn to relax

Breathing is natural to us and that’s why we rarely give it much thought. By focusing your attention on breathing, you’ll feel more grounded and in control. Focus only on breathing and let other thoughts slip away. Your mental discourse will stop and you’ll be able to focus more. You can also try to lie down or sit comfortably, closing your eyes and slowing breathing, inhaling deeply.

Techniques like mediation and yoga can help you learn how to breathe properly and relax. When we stop our body and mind from moving and simply letting it relax we’ll feel much better. Today, it’s more difficult for people to stop and take a breath, they’re constantly on the move and rarely think that when we stop to relax we regenerate our mind and soul.

Observe your feelings and thoughts

If you want to practice mindfulness, you should observe your feelings and thoughts. Take the time to think about your thoughts by quietly observing the processes going on inside your head. That way you’ll realize that those thoughts are no more than mental events that cannot hurt or control you. if you do this often, soon you’ll realize that you are better able to manage your mind and filter out negative thoughts.

In addition, pay attention to your heart. Our feelings are another way the body communicates with us at any given moment. Throughout the day, we experience a range of emotions from anger to joy. Checking with your heart where your emotions originate, and you’ll come into more coherence with yourself. Acknowledge your feelings, and don’t suppress them.

In closing

These are just a few simple ways to practice mindfulness but there are many more where that came from. Don’t forget that another precious time to focus on the present is when we eat. Mindful eating helps us digest our food better and helps with overall digestive health. Pay attention to your body and mind and listen to what signals it sends you. Stop and take a deep breath, and just focus on yourself.  

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.