People who wear wigs or like to style them on several occasions know how hard it can be to find a wig that matches their style and looks realistic too. While the realistic and authentic look was a problem for a long time, the production and release of HD Lace Wigs changed the entire game completely.
The HD lace wigs are undoubtedly the best in business with their realistic and authentic look, the use of the best materials, and the ability to style it based on your preference. There is not one quality that this wig will not tick the box on. However, while impressive, the material used for these wigs is exceptionally delicate; hence, utmost care is required.
Suppose you want to learn some tips and tricks on taking care of your HD Lace wigs and making them last longer. Then this article got you covered.
Tips and Tricks to Make your HD Lace Wigs Last Longer
Taking care of all kinds of wigs is essential, but your HD Lace Wigs require immense care and maintenance. This is because the quality of these wigs not only makes them the most prized possession that you wear on several occasions, but their delicate material requires you to follow a step-by-step maintenance method.
If you are searching for excellent tips to take care of your HD Lace Wigs, follow the points below.
- Store it Properly
Storing the wig properly is one of the most fundamental and uncomplicated ways to maintain its durability. It is advisable to take off your wig and put it on a mannequin head to avoid breakage or tangling of hair.
While you might hear or read about braids and tails to save them from breakage when sleeping, that might not be the best solution.
Keeping your wig on the mannequin at night will not only prevent damaging the wig hair but also reduce the additional stress of detangling it again in the morning.
- Comb Through Your Wig
The wig is almost like your natural hair, so you should treat it like one too. As combing through their hair to make them manageable is common for humans, wig wearers should do the same, too.
Before putting on a wig and removing it, it is advisable to use a soft-bristled brush to comb through the wig hair. This will ensure that any dirt or debris accumulated on the wig is removed and the hair on top is tamed down. But if you have a curly wig please don’t brush it too hard.
- Pro-Tip for Shampoo and Conditioning
Similar to human hair, you would have to shampoo and condition your wig’s synthetic hair too. However, be careful while doing this because not all shampoos and conditioners will suit your wig, and many can lead to damage.
For washing your human hair wigs, it is advisable to invest in mild shampoo and conditioners which aren’t harmful to the locks on your wigs. Moreover, avoid washing your wig with hot water as it will reduce the life of your wig.
- Let Your Wig Dry Naturally
Using a mild conditioner is one of the essential tips to consider if you want your wig to last longer. The conditioner will give your wig hair the tameness, detangle-ness and required softness it needs,
Moreover, once washed, it is advisable to brush your hair with a wide-teethed comb and let it air-dry naturally. Using tools like a blow dryer would only lead to damage and should be avoided at all costs.
- Don’t Wash it Everyday
While many humans wash their hair every day to make them look fresh and presentable, with wigs, this might not be a requirement. The HD lace wigs need to be washed twice a month if you wear them daily.
If not worn every day and you use it occasionally, we advise you to wash it once a month. Regular washing of your wig would lead to damage in fibers, enabling it not to last with you for long.
- Avoid Harsh Chemicals and Styling Products
The wig industry has produced several types of wigs, and with each manufacturer, the quality and adherence of your wig would differ. Hence, the first step towards taking care of your wig to make it last longer is understanding whether your wig would favor styling products.
Many HD Lace Wigs sit well with styling products, while others do not. Hence, avoid using any styling products if your wig is heat-sensitive. Moreover, the use of any harsh chemicals is strictly prohibited on wigs. These chemicals make your wig’s fibers brittle and dry, eventually leading to split ends and excessive fizziness.
Hence, with massive frizz and split end, your wig would lose its authentic look and appear to be a brittle mess only.
- Don’t Wear the Wig in a Swimming Pool
We mentioned above that the harsh use of chemicals is damageable to the wig. The chemical presence of chlorine in the swimming pool is severely damageable to natural human hair. So, wearing your wig in the chlorine-filled water remains out of the question.
If you wear the wig every day, the best tip we can give you is to store your wig in the locker of the swimming club or any safe place you find. Then wear a swimming cap to prevent water from touching your scalp. This way, you can protect your scalp, which will help you put on the wig with ease again.
- Avoid Dying the Wig
Many girls enjoy trying different shades of color on their hair through dying. However, when it comes to a wig dying hair is equal to a big no. This is because while HD lace wigs are formed from natural human hair, they do not sit well with the dye and its chemical well enough like your natural hair does.
The hair dye will damage and quickly destroy the hair on the wigs; even a conditioner will not help bring it back to its natural tameness. Hence, it is advisable for girls who love to wear different colors to buy colored wigs. This way, they can protect their wig and have fun experimenting with different colors too.
HD lace wigs are an excellent investment; however, taking care of them to maintain their durability is extremely important. If you’ve just bought an HD lace wig or have owned one for some time now. Then we hope these tips and tricks to make them last for a long time prove helpful for you.