The International Math Olympiad is one of the prestigious exams all over the world. IMO exam conducted by Science Olympiad Foundation since 1996. It’s no secret that SOF exam real tough, especially when it comes to Maths subject and its question paper. Students’ minds are bombarded with questions and doubts when they decide to prepare or appear for this exam.
Students of class 10 face little extra difficulty because of their board exams. Since the board exam of class 10 is considered crucial for any student. Although the syllabus for Maths subject is same in IMO and board, there is a substantial difference in exam pattern, and also it becomes hard for students to focus on their other respective subjects.
But none of the reasons is strong enough to stop students who, already made up their minds to prepare for this prestigious exam. Because the preparation of this exam starts from the mindset before some students look at its exam pattern.
In this article, our focus is to represent some points that enhance students learning curve for this exam:
About the Exam: Students have to go through all the essential things related to the exam, like the syllabus (although it is similar to the respective class check to be aware of complete picture), thoroughly understand the exam pattern (because it’s different from the way students compete in school).
Students need to understand the nuances for this exam of both its level 1 and level2. Because there are differences in both these levels are conducted, means both of them have their criteria and they focused on different aspects. Students need to check all exam-related details from official or authentic sources to be sure of their genuine.
Collect Study Materials: Students need to look for all related study materials that they will need in their learning cycle. Study materials included all basic but necessary things that they need like a few books, lots of question papers, or buy some exam series on any reputed website. Since study material plays an integral role in this exam preparation, Students need to make sure of study materials quality and relativity with exam pattern and syllabus.
Create a Schedule: Since it is a few months’ journeys, Students need to create a well-planned timetable to stay in the right direction. Students must make sure they include suitable time to prepare the concepts and then to test them. Students must include solving 1- 2 mock test question papers per week.
It helps students to stay in the zone of this IMO exam. Also, by doing that students become more comfortable with the exam pattern and solve questions under time restrictions. Students need to make sure that they include all the previously mentioned points and stick with their schedules. A few schedule changes are common, but if some students are regularly unable to follow, in this case, it is not a good sign.
Assess Progress: Students put a lot of effort into this learning process for this exam. But many times, they forget to assess their efforts regularly and what’s the point of all these efforts if they are not making progress.
Students need to check their knowledge after completing each concept or topic.
Students must consider time limitations as one aspect of assessment because it is one of the crucial aspects of this IMO exam. Students need to understand the overall goal of this assessment, it is to find out their strengths and weakness. If students are aware of their weaknesses, and the area where they tend to make mistakes, then students can work on those and improve their chances.
Start Early: There isn’t any particular time frame that is suitable to prepare for this exam thoroughly, but it helps students if they start early. By starting early preparation for the exam, students get suitable time to spend on each topic and more time for revision and practice. It also reduces some pressure, and students become more productive.
Create a proper place: Students must make sure that they have a proper and suitable environment around them to study. Since for preparation students need to spend hours first to understand the concept and then solve questions until they feel confident about that topic, they need undisturbed concentration for studies. Students must pick a silent and calm place in their home, where they can study without any disturbance.
Mindset: It is the most integral part of this preparation because after learning all the concepts and practicing an ample amount of questions, it boils down to students’ mindset. It is a tiring process for any student, but that’s where these exams test students. Even after all this struggle how are students able to complete their syllabus, work on their weaknesses, and achieve results.
Students need to understand that this exam is difficult, but so it is for every other student. Students need to focus on things on which they have control and how to improve those consistently. To have a positive mindset along the journey is the way to go. Don’t waste time thinking about unnecessary things related to the exam.
Maintain Balance: Students must maintain the balance between study and their physical and mental health. Students must include some physical sport in their schedule, that help them to refresh and recharge and be productive while their study time. Students need to include short but regular intervals or breaks in every hour or so while they study. Proper sleep is another critical aspect, as it helps the brain to retain new information and improve its memory. Students must take 6- 7 hours of proper sleep to work at their full potential. It is critical to maintaining their health throughout this journey. Because there is no point in burnout before the actual exam day.
You can also refer to IMO Maths Olympiad Class 10 Previous Year Question Paper.
This IMO exam is tough, but so are you. Students need to consider it as a challenge and give everything to beat this up. Students must include the above points in their strategy and start preparing for this exam.